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New Specs Enrich Identity Federation


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In dynamic e-business environments, companies want to respond rapidly and effectively to events rather than be overtaken by them. Forward-looking companies design their distributed services on event-driven principles. This strategy helps ensure that important events - in applications, systems and components - are communicated in real time to the appropriate parties. Event-notification services let applications specify the types of events they'll publish and subscribe to, the formats in which notifications will be transmitted, and the frequency with which they'll be sent. Until recently the Web services industry lacked open standards for event notification. Last month, two industry groups released rival specifications that address this requirement. One group - BEA Systems, Microsoft and Tibco Software - published a co-authored specification called Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing); another, led by IBM, released its Web Services Notification (WS-Notification) spec.
机译:在动态的电子商务环境中,公司希望对事件进行快速有效的响应,而不是被事件所超越。前瞻性公司根据事件驱动原则设计其分布式服务。该策略有助于确保将重要事件(应用程序,系统和组件中的事件)实时传达给适当的参与者。事件通知服务使应用程序可以指定它们将发布和订阅的事件的类型,通知的传输格式以及发送频率。直到最近,Web服务行业还缺乏用于事件通知的开放标准。上个月,两个行业组织发布了可满足此要求的竞争规范。一个小组-BEA Systems,Microsoft和Tibco Software-发表了共同撰写的规范,称为Web服务事件(WS-Eventing);由IBM领导的另一家公司发布了其Web服务通知(WS-Notification)规范。



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