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Thinking outside the Sarbox


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Qualcomm will have a year of experience under its belt when the next major Sarbanes-Oxley deadline arrives — barring any more extensions to key provisions of the law, that is. CFO Bill Keitel says the San Diego chipmaker was on track to comply with Section 404 of the legislation last fall. But as the date neared for companies of Qualcomm's size to begin attesting to the effectiveness of their internal controls, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEG) announced an extension. "Imagine troops storming Omaha Beach, they're halfway up the beach when some general back in an office somewhere says'Oh, never mind. Come back to the ships,'" Keitel says."You don't stop, you keep going for sake of the people who worked so hard to get you there.'' So Qualcomirn forged ahead and today is among a handful of companies that have achieved early compliance with Section 404 of SOX — in Qualcomm's case, a full year before the close of its 2005 fiscal year in September. But it wasn't without pain. Qualcomm employees put in 67,000 man-hours to comply with Section 404, Keitel says. That meant the staff worked many late nights and many weekends for the better part of the year, he says. And the financial tally? Qualcomm spent more than $7 million, Keitel says.
机译:当下一个主要的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》的最后期限到来时,高通公司将拥有一年的经验,也就是说,除非对法律的关键条款进行任何进一步的扩展。首席财务官比尔·基特尔(Bill Keitel)说,圣地亚哥的芯片制造商有望在去年秋天遵守该法案的404节。但是,随着高通规模的公司开始证明其内部控制有效性的日期临近,美国证券交易委员会(SEG)宣布延长合同期限。 “想象一下部队冲进奥马哈海滩,当某位将军回到办公室时,某位将军说:“哦,没关系。回到船上去。”凯特尔说。“你别停下来,继续前进因此,Qualcomirn奋勇向前,如今是少数几家早已达到SOX 404节规定的公司之一-就高通而言,这是在闭幕前的整整一年。 Keitel说,它在9月份是2005会计年度,但这并非没有痛苦:高通公司的员工投入了67,000个工时来遵守404节的规定,这意味着该员工在这一年的大部分时间都工作了许多深夜和周末他说,还有财务账单吗?基特尔说,高通公司花费了超过700万美元。



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