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Identity mgmt. for the masses


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Imagine having to provide authentication and authorization services for some 1,000 departments within your organization, while giving about 360,000 administrators control over which individuals get access to what resources. Now imagine that the vast majority of those groups and administrators work for companies other than your own. That is essentially what Sabre Holdings has to deal with to give its clients access to the array of travel services and data that Sabre provides. Sabre Holdings, which spun out of American Airlines, provides travel services such as reservations for airlines, travel-related businesses and, through its Travelocity unit, to consumers. During a presentation at the recent Network World IT Roadmap Conference in Dallas, Kurtis Holland, principal, IT security for Sabre, explained the steps the company has taken over the years to enable an extensive identity management capability on open systems. "Our main goal is to offload legacy services from our mainframe environment and to maintain the same level of control for authentication,authorization and accountability"Holland said in a follow-up interview. "That's a big challenge, considering we peak at 1.5 million transactions per minute across our enterprise -about 25,900 per second - many of which are based on identity transactions."
机译:想象一下,必须为组织内的大约1000个部门提供身份验证和授权服务,同时让大约360,000管理员控制哪些人可以访问哪些资源。现在想象一下,这些小组和管理员中的绝大多数都为您自己公司以外的公司工作。这实际上是Sabre Holdings必须处理的问题,以使其客户能够访问Sabre提供的一系列旅行服务和数据。从美国航空中剥离出来的Sabre Holdings,提供旅行服务,例如为航空公司,旅行相关业务的预订,以及通过其Travelocity部门向消费者提供的服务。在最近在达拉斯举行的网络世界IT路线图会议上的一次演讲中,Sabre的IT安全负责人Kurtis Holland解释了公司多年来为在开放系统上实现广泛的身份管理功能所采取的步骤。荷兰在后续采访中说:“我们的主要目标是从大型机环境中卸载旧服务,并保持对身份验证,授权和问责制的相同控制级别。” “这是一个很大的挑战,考虑到我们在整个企业中每分钟处理150万笔交易时达到峰值-大约每秒25,900次-其中许多交易是基于身份交易。”



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