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Nortel's Fall Took Years To Hit Bottom


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Nortel's decline - punctuated by last week's bankruptcy protection filings - started long before the accounting scandal of 2004 and the multimillion-dollar quarterly losses the company has piled up since. Nortel began unraveling after failing to capitalize on the huge acquisitions it made in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It paid $15 billion for two companies -switch makers Bay Networks and Alteon WebSystems - in an effort to transform itself from a century-old voice telephony stalwart into an IP voice and data powerhouse. The acquisitions -$7 billion for Alteon alone, which at that time had annual revenue just shy of $200 million - came amid the dot-com bubble. Navigating that while trying to establish itself in new markets like IP routing, and LAN and Web switching did not allow the company to grow or take substantial share in those markets.
机译:北电的下滑始于上周的破产保护申请,此举早在2004年的会计丑闻以及该公司自那以来积累的数百万美元的季度亏损开始之前就已开始。北电未能充分利用其在1990年代末和2000年代初进行的大规模收购而开始瓦解。它以150亿美元的价格收购了两家交换机制造商Bay Networks和Alteon WebSystems,以将自己从一个拥有百年历史的语音电话公司转变为IP语音和数据巨头。这些收购是在互联网泡沫时期,当时仅Alteon公司就获得了70亿美元的收购,而当时Aleon的年收入仅为2亿美元。在尝试在IP路由,LAN和Web交换等新市场中建立自己的位置时,浏览这些内容并不能使该公司在这些市场中成长或占有相当大的份额。



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