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Business-Critical PCs for SMBs: The New Mobility


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EACS Ltd., an award-winning IT solutions provider located not far from London, has a history that can be divided neatly into two eras: Before Wireless and After Wireless. EACS' managing director, Mike Dearlove, sums up his life in the Before Wireless era: "Whenever I left the office I was constantly concerned about keeping in touch. When I went into a customer meeting, I would turn off my mobile phone, and then later I'd try to catch up by listening to a long, time-consuming sequence of voice-mail messages." Dearlove goes on to describe what life is like today for EACS staff members who are equipped with wide-area wireless capability: "With our wireless notebooks and Pocket PCs, we can be out of the office and still keep in constant touch with our business operations. I can check my wireless e-mail throughout the day and quickly respond to questions and updates from our sales, technical and administrative staff. I can also be very responsive to queries from customers and partners on a virtually 24 x 7 basis." As can be seen at EACS and other leading SMBs around the world, wireless computing is rapidly becoming a business-critical dimension to IT, letting SMBs leverage their precious internal human and information resources in ways that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
机译:EACS Ltd.是一家屡获殊荣的IT解决方案提供商,位于伦敦附近,其历史可以清晰地分为两个时代:无线时代之前和无线时代之后。 EACS董事总经理Mike Dearlove总结了他在无线之前的时代:“每当我离开办公室时,我就一直在保持联系。当我参加客户会议时,我会关闭手机,然后然后,我会尝试通过收听冗长且耗时的语音邮件消息来追赶。” Dearlove继续描述了配备广域无线功能的EACS工作人员的今天生活:“有了我们的无线笔记本电脑和掌上电脑,我们可以不在办公室,仍然与我们的业务运营保持持续联系我可以全天查看我的无线电子邮件,并迅速答复我们销售,技术和行政人员的问题和更新。我也可以几乎全天候24 x 7响应客户和合作伙伴的询问。”从EACS和全球其他领先的SMB可以看出,无线计算正迅速成为IT的业务关键维度,让SMB以几年前无法想象的方式利用其宝贵的内部人力和信息资源。



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