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In the latest survey on the tortured subject of aligning IT with business strategy, 46 percent of 2,000 senior executives told recruiting firm Korn/Ferry International that CIOs "absolutely" have a role to play on a company's board of directors. What's startling about this finding isn't the fact that almost half the execs think CIOs have the experience, expertise, comportment and intelligence to shape a company's future. It's that more than half are less than sure. The Korn/Ferry survey follows a study last year by Burson-Marsteller which found that only 5 percent of more than 3,000 companies it researched actually had a CIO on their boards. A quick look today at the boards of the 10 largest companies in the world reveals no IT execs on their boards, though No. 1 Wal-Mart has a prominent technology venture capitalist, while No. 5 General Motors, No. 6 Daimler-Chrysler and No. 8 Ford have current or former tech vendor CEOs on their boards.
机译:在有关使IT与业务战略保持一致的严峻问题的最新调查中,在2,000名高级管理人员中,有46%告诉招聘公司Korn / Ferry International,首席信息官“绝对”在公司董事会中发挥作用。令人震惊的是,几乎有一半的高管认为CIO拥有塑造公司未来的经验,专业知识,进取心和智慧。超过一半的人不确定。 Korn / Ferry调查是在去年Burson-Marsteller进行的一项研究之后进行的,该研究发现,在所研究的3,000多家公司中,只有5%的公司拥有CIO。今天快速浏览一下全球十大公司的董事会,发现董事会中没有IT高管,尽管排名第一的沃尔玛拥有著名的技术风险投资家,而排名第五的通用汽车,排名第六的戴姆勒-克莱斯勒排名第八的福特公司的董事会现任或前任技术供应商首席执行官。



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