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The Internet as Legacy System


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Most IT pros place a high value on technical innovation. Whether it's Moore's Law driving down the price/performance of CPUs or more disruptive technologies changing the way we compute and communicate, progress requires new ideas. Unfortunately, we can't transition from status quo to newer and better without dealing with the pain of legacy systems. Sometimes, this pain is so great that we do all we can to avoid it. The public switched telephone network, invented long before most of us were born and architecturally obsolete, is one such legacy system. Others include cellular phone systems, personal computers, Ethernet, Wi-Fi and TCP/IP. In each case, if we could only start over, knowing what we know today, life would be better. Re-engineering existing systems affords few of the freedoms of invention. The legacy slate is a dirty one, and the installed base of users is loathe to pay the transition costs.
机译:大多数IT专业人员都非常重视技术创新。无论是摩尔定律降低了CPU的价格/性能,还是更颠覆性的技术改变了我们的计算和通信方式,进步都需要新的思路。不幸的是,如果不处理遗留系统的痛苦,我们就无法从现状过渡到更新更好的状态。有时,这种痛苦是如此之大,以至于我们竭尽所能避免这种痛苦。这样的遗留系统就是一种公共交换电话网络,它是在我们大多数人出生之前就发明的,并且在结构上已经过时。其他包括蜂窝电话系统,个人计算机,以太网,Wi-Fi和TCP / IP。在每种情况下,如果我们只能从头开始,知道我们今天所知道的,生活会更好。对现有系统进行重新设计几乎没有发明的自由。遗留的板块是肮脏的,用户的安装基础不愿意支付过渡成本。



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