首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Hedgehog signalling controls eye degeneration in blind cavefish

Hedgehog signalling controls eye degeneration in blind cavefish


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Hedgehog (Hh) proteins are responsible for critical signalling events during development(1) but their evolutionary roles remain to be determined. Here we show that hh gene expression at the embryonic midline controls eye degeneration in blind cavefish. We use the teleost Astyanax mexicanus, a single species with an eyed surface-dwelling form ( surface fish) and many blind cave forms ( cavefish) 2, to study the evolution of eye degeneration. Small eye primordia are formed during cavefish embryogenesis, which later arrest in development, degenerate and sink into the orbits. Eye degeneration is caused by apoptosis of the embryonic lens, and transplanting a surface fish embryonic lens into a cavefish optic cup can restore a complete eye(3-5). Here we show that sonic hedgehog (shh) and tiggy-winkle hedgehog ( twhh) gene expression is expanded along the anterior embryonic midline in several different cavefish populations. The expansion of hh signalling results in hyperactivation of downstream genes, lens apoptosis and arrested eye growth and development. These features can be mimicked in surface fish by twhh and/or shh overexpression, supporting the role of hh signalling in the evolution of cavefish eye regression.
机译:刺猬(Hh)蛋白负责发育过程中的关键信号事件(1),但它们的进化作用尚待确定。在这里,我们显示了胚胎中线处的hh基因表达控制着盲孔鱼的眼睛退化。我们使用硬骨鱼Astyanax mexicanus(一种具有眼睛的表面栖居形式(表面鱼类)和许多盲穴形式(洞穴鱼)2的物种)来研究眼退化的演变。小眼原基在洞穴鱼胚胎发生过程中形成,随后在发育中停滞,退化并沉入眼眶。眼睛退化是由胚胎晶状体的凋亡引起的,将表面鱼类胚胎晶状体移植到一个穴鱼视杯中可以恢复完整的眼睛(3-5)。在这里,我们显示了声波刺猬(shh)和胫刺猬(twhh)基因表达沿前胚胎中线在几种不同的洞穴鱼类种群中扩展。 hh信号的扩展导致下游基因的过度激活,晶状体细胞凋亡并阻止了眼睛的生长和发育。 twhh和/或shh过表达可在表面鱼类中模仿这些特征,从而支持hh信号在洞穴鱼眼退化进化中的作用。



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