首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Ultrasonic frogs show hyperacute phonotaxis tofemale courtship calls

Ultrasonic frogs show hyperacute phonotaxis tofemale courtship calls


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Sound communication plays a vital role in frog reproduction, in which vocal advertisement is generally the domain of males. Females are typically silent, but in a few anuran species they can produce a feeble reciprocal call or rapping sounds during courtship. Males of concave-eared torrent frogs (Odorrana tor-mota) have demonstrated ultrasonic communication capacity. Although females of O. tormota have an unusually well-developed vocal production system, it is unclear whether or not they produce calls or are only passive partners in a communication system dominated by males. Here we show that before ovulation, gravid females of O. tormota emit calls that are distinct from males' advertisement calls, having higher fundamental frequencies and harmonics and shorter call duration. In the field and in a quiet, darkened indoor arena, these female calls evoke vocalizations and extraordinarily precise positive phonotaxis (a localization error of < 1°), rivalling that of vertebrates with the highest localization acuity (barn owls, dolphins, elephants and humans). The localization accuracy of O. tormota is remarkable in light of their small head size (interaural distance of < 1cm), and suggests an additional selective advantage of high-frequency hearing beyond the ability to avoid masking by low-frequency background noise.
机译:声音交流在青蛙繁殖中起着至关重要的作用,在这种青蛙中,声音广告通常是男性的主体。雌性通常是沉默的,但在少数无尾类动物中,它们可以在求爱时发出微弱的相互呼唤或拍打声。凹耳山洪蛙(Odorrana tor-mota)的雄性已显示出超声波通信能力。尽管雌性O. tormota具有异常发达的人声产生系统,但尚不清楚它们是否发出呼叫或在男性主导的通信系统中只是被动的伙伴。在这里,我们显示,在排卵前,雌性O. tormota的雌性发出的呼叫不同于雄性的广告呼叫,具有更高的基本频率和谐波,并且呼叫持续时间更短。在野外和一个昏暗的室内竞技场中,这些雌性调用唤起发声和异常精确的正音音色(定位误差<1°),可与定位敏锐度最高的脊椎动物(谷仓猫头鹰,海豚,大象和人类)媲美。 )。鉴于其较小的头部尺寸(耳间距离<1cm),O。tormota的定位精度非常出色,并表明了高频听力的另一选择优势,即避免了被低频背景噪声掩盖的能力。



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