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Fossil Steroids Record The Appearance Of Demospongiae During The Cryogenian Period


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The Neoproterozoic era (1,000-542 Myr ago) was an era of climatic extremes and biological evolutionary developments culminating in the emergence of animals (Metazoa) and new ecosystems. Here we show that abundant sedimentary 24-isopropylcholestanes, the hydrocarbon remains of C_(30) sterols produced by marine demos-ponges, record the presence of Metazoa in the geological record before the end of the Marinoan glaciation (~635 Myr ago). These sterane biomarkers are abundant in all formations of the Huqf Supergroup, South Oman Salt Basin, and, based on a new high-precision geochronology, constitute a continuous 100-Myr-long chemical fossil record of demosponges through the terminal Neoproterozoic and into the Early Cambrian epoch. The demos-ponge steranes occur in strata that underlie the Marinoan cap carbonate (> 635 Myr ago). They currently represent the oldest evidence for animals in the fossil record, and are evidence for animals pre-dating the termination of the Marinoan glaciation. This suggests that shallow shelf waters in some late Cryogenian ocean basins (> 635 Myr ago) contained dissolved oxygen in concentrations sufficient to support basal metazoan life at least 100 Myr before the rapid diversification of bilaterians during the Cambrian explosion. Biomarker analysis has yet to reveal any convincing evidence for ancient sponges pre-dating the first globally extensive Neoproterozoic glacial episode (the Sturtian, ~713 Myr ago in Oman).
机译:新元古代(1000-542 Myr以前)是一个极端气候和生物进化发展的时代,其最终结果是出现了动物(Metazoa)和新的生态系统。在这里,我们表明,丰富的沉积物24-异丙基胆甾烷,即海洋演示海绵产生的C_(30)甾醇的碳氢化合物残留物,在Marinoan冰川作用结束之前(〜635 Myr)记录了后生动物的存在。这些甾烷生物标志物在南阿曼盐盆地Huqf超级群的所有地层中都很丰富,并且基于一种新的高精度地质年代学,构成了一个连续的100多年的化学化石记录,记录了从新元古代末期到早期的沉积反应。寒武纪。脱海绵的甾烷发生在Marinoan盖碳酸盐(> 635 Myr以前)的地层中。它们目前是化石记录中最古老的动物证据,也是在马里诺冰河终止之前的动物证据。这表明,在寒武纪爆发前双边生物迅速多样化之前,在一些深冷的晚期海盆(> 635 Myr之前)的浅层陆架水中所含的溶解氧足以支持基础后生生物至少100 Myr。生物标志物分析尚未发现任何令人信服的证据,证明古代海绵在全球范围内首次出现新元古代冰川事件(阿曼的斯图尔特人,〜713迈尔时代)之前就已经存在。



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