首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >On the communicative significance of whistles in wild killer whales (Orcinus orca)

On the communicative significance of whistles in wild killer whales (Orcinus orca)

机译:口哨在野生虎鲸(Orcinus orca)中的传播意义

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Killer whales (Orcinus orca) use pulsed calls and whistles in underwater communication. Unlike pulsed calls, whistles have received little study and thus their function is poorly known. In this study, whistle activities of groups of individually known killer whales were compared quantitatively across behavioural categories. Acoustic recordings and simultaneous behavioural observations were made of northern resident killer whales off Vancouver Island in 1996 and 1997. Whistles were produced at greater rates than discrete calls during close-range behavioural activities than during long-range activities. They were the predominant sound-type recorded during socializing. The number of whistles per animal per minute was significantly higher during close-range behavioural activities than during long-range activities. Evidently, whistles play an important role in the close-range acoustic communication in northern resident killer whales.
机译:虎鲸(Orcinus orca)在水下通信中使用脉冲呼叫和口哨声。与脉冲呼叫不同,哨子很少受到研究,因此其功能知之甚少。在这项研究中,在行为类别之间定量比较了各个知名虎鲸的口哨活动。在1996年和1997年,对温哥华岛外的北部虎鲸进行了声音记录和同时的行为观察。在近距离行为活动中,与远距离活动相比,哨声的产生率比离散呼叫高。它们是社交活动中记录的主要声音类型。近距离行为活动中每只动物每分钟的哨声数量远高于远距离活动中。显然,哨声在北部常驻虎鲸的近距离声通信中起着重要作用。



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