首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >New postcrania of Deccanolestes from the Late Cretaceous of India and their bearing on the evolutionary and biogeographic history of euarchontan mammals

New postcrania of Deccanolestes from the Late Cretaceous of India and their bearing on the evolutionary and biogeographic history of euarchontan mammals


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Extant species of the supraordinal mammal clade Euarchonta belong to the orders Primates, Scandentia, or Dermoptera. The fossil record of euarchontans suggests that they underwent their initial radiation during the Paleocene (65–55 million years ago) in North America, Eurasia, and Africa. The time and place of origin is poorly resolved due to lack of definitive fossils of euarchontan stem taxa. We describe a fragmentary humerus and two fragmentary ulnae from the latest Cretaceous of India that bear significantly on this issue. The fossils are tentatively referred to Deccanolestes cf. hislopi due to their small size and the fact that Deccanolestes is the only eutherian dental taxon to have been recovered from the same locality. The new fossils are used to evaluate the existing behavioral hypothesis that Deccanolestes was arboreal, and the competing phylogenetic hypotheses that Deccanolestes is a stem eutherian versus a stem euarchontan. The humerus resembles those of euarchontans in possessing a laterally keeled ulnar trochlea, a distinct zona conoidea, and a spherical capitulum. These features also suggest an arboreal lifestyle. The ulnar morphology is consistent with that of the humerus in reflecting an arboreal/scansorial animal. Detailed quantitative comparisons indicate that, despite morphological correlates to euarchontan-like arboreality, the humerus of Deccanolestes is morphologically intermediate between those of Cretaceous “condylarthran” mammals and definitive Cenozoic euarchontans. Additionally, humeri attributed to adapisoriculids are morphologically intermediate between those of Deccanolestes and definitive euarchontans. If adapisoriculids are euarchontans, as recently proposed, our results suggest that Deccanolestes is more basal. The tentative identification of Deccanolestes as a basal stem euarchontan suggests that (1) Placentalia began to diversify and Euarchonta originated before the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary and (2) the Indian subcontinent, Eurasia, and Africa are more likely places of origin for Euarchonta than is North America.
机译:上位哺乳动物进化支Euarchonta的现存物种属于灵长类,斯堪的尼亚或皮翅目。 Euarchontans的化石记录表明,它们在北美,欧亚大陆和非洲的古新世(65-5500万年前)经历了初始辐射。由于缺乏真骨生物干类群的明确化石,起源的时间和地点解析不佳。我们描述了来自最近的印度白垩纪的一个碎骨肱骨和两个碎骨尺骨,在这个问题上有重大意义。暂时将化石称为Deccanolestescf。 Hislopi的原因是它们的体积小,并且Deccanolestes是唯一从同一地点恢复的以欧亚大陆为分类单位的事实。这些新的化石被用来评估现有的行为假说,即癸烷是树栖的,以及相互竞争的系统发育假说,即癸烷是茎上的真人生物与茎上的真人生物。肱骨与euarchontans相似,具有尺侧龙骨尺骨滑车,独特的透明带状圆锥体和球形头盖骨。这些功能也暗示了树栖生活方式。尺骨形态与肱骨形态一致,反映出树栖/扫描动物。详细的定量比较表明,尽管形态与真鲨鱼样的植物性相关,但癸齿s的肱骨在形态上介于白垩纪“ con突”哺乳动物和确定的新生代真鲨鱼之间。另外,归因于adapisoriculids的腐殖质在形态学上介于十足动物和定型的古生物碱之间。如最近提出的,如果adapisoriculids是euarchontans,我们的结果表明Deccanolestes更基础。初步确定癸齿龙是基础的真古生物,这表明(1)胎盘菌开始多样化,真古生物起源于白垩纪-第三纪边界之前;(2)印度次大陆,欧亚大陆和非洲比真古生物更可能起源于真古生物。北美。



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