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“The Permiak question”: Bolshevik central authorities, Russian and non-Russian provincial elites negotiating over autonomy in the early 1920s


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This is an article on Bolshevik nationalities policy and ethnic engineering, asking who, in fact, decided which populations belonged together as ethnic groups (narodnost') and thus had the right of national self-determination, and how the level of autonomy was determined for each ethnic unit. Scholars have dealt with Russian and Soviet nationalities issues for decades already, but they have turned their attention mainly to the larger nationalities (at the level of SSR, and to a lesser degree the levels of ASSR and autonomous oblast). I argue that the lower levels of national territorial autonomy in the Soviet Union (national okrug, raion, volost', and selsovet) are worthy of greater academic attention, at least from the ethnological point of view. Having this kind of low-level territorial autonomy has often been a question of to be or not to be for the small ethnic groups concerned, and hence the subject is connected with the question of preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity in Russia.View full textDownload full textKeywordsKomi-Permiaks, Soviet Russia, nationalities policy, territorial autonomy, nationalismRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2011.652607
机译:这是一篇关于布尔什维克民族政策和民族工程的文章,询问实际上是谁决定哪些人口作为族裔(narodnost')共同拥有并因此具有民族自决权,以及如何确定自治权每个民族。几十年来,学者们一直在研究俄罗斯和苏联的民族问题,但他们的注意力主要转移到了较大的民族上(在SSR层面,而在较小程度上是ASSR和自治州)。我认为,至少从民族学的角度来看,苏联较低的国家领土自治水平(国家okrug,raion,volost和selsovet)值得更多的学术关注。对于所涉及的少数族裔群体而言,拥有这种低级的领土自治常常是一个问题,因此该主题与俄罗斯文化和语言多样性的保存问题有关。查看全文下载关键字:科米-佩尔米亚克斯(Komi-Permiaks),苏维埃俄罗斯,民族政策,领土自治,民族主义,more“,pubid:” ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b“};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2011.652607



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