首页> 外文期刊>Multimedia Tools and Applications >AuDIVA: A tool for embedding Audio Descriptions to enhance Video Accessibility for Persons with Visual Impairments

AuDIVA: A tool for embedding Audio Descriptions to enhance Video Accessibility for Persons with Visual Impairments


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Inclusion of online videos on a website attracts a large number of audience because of its ease of perception. Even though rendering videos on the web is advantageous, persons with disabilities face difficulties in accessing the content. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) has recommended closed captions for persons with hearing problems and Audio descriptions for the persons with visual problems, to remove the barriers in making the video content accessible. In this paper, we have incorporated a technique called Narrating the scene before the act. With this, persons with visual impairments will get a proper understanding of the context of the scene and they will be in a better position to easily grasp the content. We have designed a tool, entitled AuDIVA (Audio Description Inserter for Video Accessibility) which will insert the audio descriptions before the scene in the video at specified intervals. A survey conducted shows that the technique eases tasks for web developers to provide audio descriptions in the video.
机译:由于易于理解,因此在网站上包含在线视频会吸引大量受众。尽管在网络上呈现视频是有利的,但残疾人在访问内容时仍面临困难。 Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)建议为有听力障碍的人提供隐藏式字幕,为有视觉障碍的人提供音频说明,以消除使视频内容可访问的障碍。在本文中,我们采用了一种称为“在演出前对场景进行叙事”的技术。这样,视障人士将对场景的背景有适当的了解,并且他们将处于更好的位置来轻松地掌握内容。我们设计了一个名为AuDIVA(用于视频辅助功能的音频描述插入器)的工具,该工具将以指定的时间间隔在视频场景之前插入音频描述。进行的一项调查表明,该技术使Web开发人员可以轻松地在视频中提供音频描述。



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