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David Baker, FAIA, LEED AP, founder, David Baker + Partners

机译:David Baker,FAIA,LEED AP,David Baker + Partners创始人

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David Baker believes that affordable housing can, in fact, be easier to design than market-rate housing. "The clients are more driven by a desire to have a really great project," he explains, and because they take a longer-term approach, they are less inclined to direct him to design something that is marketed solely for the here and now, he adds. Founded in 1982, San Francisco-based David Baker + Partners has received more than 150 architectural design awards with Baker at the helm. Having recently received the AIA California Council's 2012 Distinguished Practice Award, as well as the Hearthstone Builder Humanitarian Award in 2010, Baker has much to be proud of, yet he remains humble, crediting his 15-person team and the local redevelopment agency with much of the firm's success and ability to create something both beautiful and affordable. Baker takes great pride in working with an award-winning landscape architect, as well as using a lighting designer and purchasing locally sourced furniture for his communities. All of these combine to create what he calls "a much nicer" community for the same cost as a conventional community.
机译:大卫·贝克(David Baker)认为,实际上,经济适用房比市价住房更容易设计。他解释说:“客户更渴望拥有一个真正伟大的项目,这是一种驱动力。”由于他们采取了长期的方法,因此他们不太愿意指示他设计仅针对当前和现在市场的产品,他补充说。成立于1982年,总部位于旧金山的David Baker + Partners获得了150多个建筑设计奖项,由Baker掌舵。贝克最近获得了美国建筑师协会(AIA)加利福尼亚委员会颁发的2012年杰出实践奖和2010年《炉石建造者》人道主义奖,他为此感到自豪,但他仍然谦虚,他为15人的团队和当地的重建局贡献了很多公司的成功和创造出既美观又负担得起的产品的能力。贝克为与屡获殊荣的景观设计师合作,使用照明设计师并为其社区购买本地采购的家具而感到自豪。所有这些结合在一起,以与传统社区相同的成本创建了他所谓的“更好”的社区。



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