首页> 外文期刊>MUFON UFO Journal >Dress worn by Betty Hill in 1961 abduction shows traces of external protein substance

Dress worn by Betty Hill in 1961 abduction shows traces of external protein substance

机译:贝蒂·希尔(Betty Hill)在1961年绑架时穿的连衣裙显示出外部蛋白质物质的痕迹

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This famous case is well documented in many publications and on many internet web sites. The reader is directed to these easily locatable literature references for the details, especially the classic book on the event, The Interrupted Journey," and Jerome Clark's The UFO Encyclopedia. Brief synopsis of the abduction On Sept. 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill, along with dachshund "Delsey," were returning home to Portsmouth, NH, from an extended weekend pleasure trip to Canada. Their itinerary took them to Niagara Falls, then to Montreal, and home. They were traveling south on US Route 3 in central New Hampshire. At approximately 10:15 PM they noted a "bright star" which appeared to move erratically. They continued to observe it as it apparently paced them and got closer and closer. Barney stopped to retrieve a .22 pistol from the trunk. After resuming the drive, both Betty and Barney looked at the object through binoculars, observing a spinning, flat-January 2004 tened circular disk with multicolored lights on the rim. About two miles north of North Woodstock, the object descended and hovered about 100 feet in the air. No spinning was noted. A blue-white fluorescent glow shined through its windows. The object appeared to be the size of a four-engine aircraft.
机译:在许多出版物和许多互联网网站上都很好地记录了这一著名案例。读者可以直接从这些容易找到的文献参考资料中获取详细信息,尤其是有关该事件的经典书籍《中断的旅程》和杰罗姆·克拉克(Jerome Clark)的《不明飞行物百科全书》。绑架的简要提要1961年9月19日,贝蒂和巴尼·希尔与达克斯猎犬“德尔西”号一起,从延长的周末加拿大游玩之旅中返回了新罕布什尔州朴次茅斯,他们的行程将他们带到了尼亚加拉瀑布,然后回到了蒙特利尔,再回到家中,他们正沿着美国中部3号公路向南行驶。新罕布什尔州,大约晚上10:15,他们注意到一颗“明亮的星星”似乎在不规则地运动着,他们继续观察它,显然它的步伐越来越近,Barney停下来从行李箱中取出0.22手枪。恢复驱动后,贝蒂和巴尼都用双筒望远镜观察了该物体,观察到一块旋转的,平坦的2004年1月张开的圆形圆盘,边缘上有五彩缤纷的灯光,在北伍德斯托克以北约两英里处,爬到空中悬停约100英尺。没有注意到旋转。窗户发出蓝白色的荧光。该物体看上去是四引擎飞机的大小。



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