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Real-World XML Manipulate XML Data Easily with Integrated Readers and Writers in the .NET Framework

机译:现实世界中的XML使用.NET Framework中的集成读取器和写入器可以轻松地操纵XML数据

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In the .NET Framework, XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter provide for XML-driven reading and writing operations. In this article, the author discusses the architecture of readers and how they relate to XMLDOM and SAX parsers. He also shows how to use readers to parse and validate XML documents, how to leverage writers to create well-formed documents, and how to optimize the processing of large XML documents using functions to read and write Base64 and BinHex-encoded text. He then reviews how to implement a stream-based read/write parser that combines the functions of a reader and a writer into a single class.
机译:在.NET Framework中,XmlTextReader和XmlTextWriter提供XML驱动的读写操作。在本文中,作者讨论了读者的体系结构以及它们与XMLDOM和SAX解析器的关系。他还展示了如何使用读取器来解析和验证XML文档,如何利用编写器来创建格式正确的文档,以及如何使用读写Base64和BinHex编码文本的函数来优化大型XML文档的处理。然后,他回顾了如何实现基于流的读/写解析器,该解析器将读取器和写入器的功能组合到一个类中。



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