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Molecular Evolution of the tprC, D, I, K, G, and J Genes in the Pathogenic Genus Treponema


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We investigated the evolution of 6 genes from the Treponema pallidum repeat (tpr) gene family, which encode potential virulence factors and are assumed to have evolved through gene duplication and gene conversion events. The 6 loci (tprC, D, G, J, I, and K) were sequenced and analyzed in several members of the genus Treponema, including the 3 subspecies of human T. pallidum (T. pallidum subsp. pallidum, pertenue, and endemicum), Treponema paraluiscuniculi (rabbit syphilis), and the unclassified Fribourg-Blanc (simian) isolate. Phylogenetic methods, recombination analysis, and measures of nucleotide diversity were used to investigate the evolutionary history of the tpr genes. Numerous instances of gene conversion were detected by all 3 methods including both homogenizing gene conversion that involved the entire length of the sequence as well as site-specific conversions that affected smaller regions. We determined the relative age and directionality of the gene conversion events whenever possible. Our data are also relevant to a discussion of the evolution of the treponemes themselves. Higher levels of variation exist between the human subspecies than within them, supporting the classification of the human treponemes into 3 subspecies. In contrast to published theories, the divergence and diversity of T. pallidum subsp. pertenue relative to the other subspecies does not support a much older origin of yaws at the emergence of modern human, nor is the level of divergence seen in T. pallidum subsp. pallidum consistent with a very recent (<500 years) origin of this subspecies. In general, our results demonstrate that intragenomic recombination has played a significant role in the evolution of the studied tpr genes and emphasize that efforts to infer evolutionary history of the treponemes can be complicated if past recombination events are not recognized.
机译:我们调查了梅毒螺旋体重复(tpr)基因家族的6个基因的进化,这些基因编码潜在的毒力因子,并假设已通过基因复制和基因转化事件进化。对6个基因座(tprC,D,G,J,I和K)进行了测序,并在梅毒螺旋体的几个成员中进行了分析,其中包括人苍白螺旋体的3个亚种(T. pallidum subsp。pallidum,pertenue和endemicum) ),梅毒螺旋体(兔梅毒)和未分类的弗里堡-布朗(猿猴)分离株。系统发生方法,重组分析和核苷酸多样性的措施被用来调查tpr基因的进化历史。通过所有3种方法都检测到许多基因转化实例,包括均质化涉及整个序列长度的基因转化以及影响较小区域的位点特异性转化。我们尽可能确定了基因转化事件的相对年龄和方向性。我们的数据也与对treponemes自身进化的讨论有关。人类亚种之间存在的变异程度高于它们之间的变异程度,这支持将人类色氨酸分为3个亚种。与已发表的理论相反,苍白锥虫亚种的发散和多样性。相对于其他亚种的百日咳变种不支持近代人在现代人出现时的偏航起源,在苍白锥虫亚种中也看不到分歧水平。苍白质与该亚种的最近起源(<500年)相一致。总的来说,我们的结果表明基因组内重组在所研究的tpr基因的进化中起了重要作用,并强调,如果不认识过去的重组事件,则推论基因组进化史的工作可能会很复杂。



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