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A Campus-Wide Testbed over the TV White Spaces '


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We have deployed a wireless network that operates in the white spaces of the TV band spectrum and covers most of Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA. Since the campus is large (approximately I mile x 1 mile), there are several shuttles that move employees from one building to another. We have used the white spaces network to enable a key productivity scenario on campus - Internet connectivity in campus shuttles. We have modified one such shuttle to operate over the TV band white spaces. A white space radio in this shuttle communicates with two base stations deployed on buildings on campus. Inside the shuttle, we bridge the white space connection to Wi-Fi, so that an employee's laptop that does not have an integrated white space radio can nevertheless connect to the Internet, using Wi-Fi within the shuttle, and white spaces between the shuttle and the base stations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first network deployed over the TV white spaces.
机译:我们已经部署了一个无线网络,该网络在电视频段频谱的空白区域内运行,并且覆盖了华盛顿州雷德蒙德的Microsoft大部分校园。由于校园很大(大约1英里x 1英里),因此有几条班车将员工从一栋楼搬到另一栋楼。我们已经使用空白空间网络实现了校园的关键生产力方案-校园班车中的Internet连接。我们已经修改了一种这样的航天飞机,使其能够在电视频段的空白区域中运行。航天飞机中的空白无线电与部署在校园建筑中的两个基站进行通信。在航天飞机内部,我们将空白连接桥接到Wi-Fi,因此没有集成空白无线电的员工笔记本电脑仍然可以使用航天飞机内部的Wi-Fi和航天飞机之间的空白连接到Internet。和基站。据我们所知,这是在电视空白区域部署的第一个网络。



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