首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogy and Petrology >Petrology, geochemistry and genesis of newly discovered Mesoproterozoic highly magnesian, calcite-rich kimberlites from Siddanpalli, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India: products of subduction-related magmatic sources?

Petrology, geochemistry and genesis of newly discovered Mesoproterozoic highly magnesian, calcite-rich kimberlites from Siddanpalli, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India: products of subduction-related magmatic sources?


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The Siddanpalli kimberlites constitute a newly discovered cluster (SKC) of Mesoproterozoic (1090 Ma) dykes occurring in the granite-greenstone terrain of the Gadwal area in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC), Southern India. They belong to coherent facies and contain serpentinized olivines (two generations), phlogopite, spinel, perovskite, ilmenite, apatite, carbonate and garnet xenocrysts. A peculiar feature of these kimberlites is the abundance of carbonate and limestone xenoliths of the eroded platformal Proterozoic (Purana) sedimentary cover of Kurnool/Bhima age. Chemically, the Siddanpalli dykes are the most magnesium-rich (up to 35 wt.% MgO) and silica-undersaturated (SiO2 < 35 wt.%) of all kimberlites described so far from the Eastern Dharwar Craton. The La/Yb ratio in the Siddanpalli kimberlites (64–105) is considerably lower than that in the other EDC kimberlites (108–145), primarily owing to their much higher HREE abundances. Since there is no evidence of any crustal contamination by granitic rocks we infer this to be a specific character of the magmatic source. A comparison of the REE geochemistry of the Siddanpalli kimberlites with petrogenetic models for southern African kimberlites suggests that they display involvement of a wide range in the degree of melting in their genesis. The different geochemical signatures of the SKC compared to the other known kimberlites in the EDC can be explained by a combination of factors involving: (i) higher degrees of partial melting; (ii) relatively shallower depths of derivation; (iii) possible involvement of subducted component in their mantle source region; and (iv) previous extraction of boninitic magmas from their geological domain. Editorial handling: K. R. Moore
机译:Siddanpalli金伯利岩构成了新发现的中元古代(1090 Ma)堤防群(SKC),发生在印度南部东部达瓦尔克拉通(EDC)盖德瓦尔地区的花岗岩-绿岩地形中。它们属于相干相,并含有蛇纹石化的橄榄石(两代),金云母,尖晶石,钙钛矿,钛铁矿,磷灰石,碳酸盐和石榴石异种晶。这些金伯利岩的一个独特特征是,库尔诺尔/比马尔时代的被侵蚀的台地元古代(Purana)沉积盖层的碳酸盐和石灰石异岩含量丰富。在化学上,到目前为止,西德丹帕利堤坝是东部达拉瓦尔地区描述的所有金伯利岩中镁含量最高的镁矿(最高达35 wt。%MgO)和二氧化硅欠饱和(SiO 2 <35 wt。%)。克雷顿。 Siddanpalli金伯利岩(64-105)中的La / Yb比明显低于其他EDC金伯利岩(108-145),主要是由于它们的HREE丰度更高。由于没有证据表明花岗石对地壳有任何污染,因此我们推断这是岩浆源的特殊特征。 Siddanpalli金伯利岩的REE地球化学与南部非洲金伯利岩的成岩模型的比较表明,它们在成因的熔融程度方面表现出广泛的参与性。与EDC中其他已知的金伯利岩相比,SKC的不同地球化学特征可以通过以下因素综合解释:(i)较高程度的部分熔融; (ii)相对较浅的推导深度; (iii)俯冲成分可能进入其地幔源区; (iv)先前从其地质领域提取出贝尼特岩浆。编辑处理:K. R. Moore



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