首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogical Magazine >Scanning transmission electron microscopy using a SEM: Applications to mineralogy and petrology

Scanning transmission electron microscopy using a SEM: Applications to mineralogy and petrology


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High-resolution imaging of electron-transparent samples using a scanning electron microscope, here termed low voltage (LV) STEM, is a new and valuable technique for studying Earth and planetary materials. The most effective method of LV-STEM imaging uses a pair of electron detectors positioned side-by-side beneath the thin sample. The detector directly underlying the sample forms bright-field images dominated by mass-thickness contrast. Activation of the detector offset from the sample yields dark-field images with a greater component of atomic number contrast. LV-STEM images with significant diffraction contrast can also be obtained, but require careful positioning of the sample relative to the electron detectors. In this study LV-STEM was used successfully to image sub-µm sized kaolinite crystals and tens of nm-sized etch pits on the gold-coated surfaces of weathered feldspar grains. Dark-field LV-STEM was also especially effective for characterizing very fine-scale intergrowths of Mg- and Fe-rich phyllosilicates within uniformly thin samples of the Murchison meteorite prepared using the focused ion beam (FIB) technique. LV-STEM is a quick and easy method for characterizing the morphology and internal structure of mineral and rock samples and may prove to be especially useful in geomicrobiology research.
机译:使用 扫描电子显微镜(这里称为低压(LV) STEM)对电子透明样品进行高分辨率成像,是研究地球和 行星材料。 LV-STEM成像最有效的方法 使用一对在薄样品 下并排放置的电子探测器。直接在样品 下方的检测器形成以质量-厚度对比为主的明场图像。 激活检测器与样品的偏移会产生暗场 具有更大原子序数对比度的图像。还可以获得具有明显衍射对比度的LV-STEM 图像,但需要相对于 电子检测器仔细定位样品。在这项研究中,LV-STEM成功地用于 成像亚微米级的高岭石晶体,并在风化长石的金涂层表面上形成数十纳米大小的 蚀刻坑。 > 谷物。暗场LV-STEM对于特征化均匀薄的Murchison <样品中富含Mg和Fe的层状硅酸盐的非常精细的共生特征也特别有效。 / sup>使用聚焦离子束(FIB)技术制备的陨石。 LV-STEM是表征矿物和岩石样品的形态和内部结构的快速简便方法并可能证明 在地球微生物学研究中特别有用。



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