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The geochemistry of primary and weathered oil shale and coquina across the Julia Creek vanadium deposit (Queensland, Australia)


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A significant resource of vanadium and molybdenum exists near Julia Creek, Australia, where the middle Cretaceous organic-rich Toolebuc Formation lies between 0 and 25 m of the surface. We present and discuss a comprehensive geochemical study of the Toolebuc Formation and its enclosing stratigraphy near Julia Creek to understand this ore deposit. V and Mo contents in fresh facies are strongly associated with total organic carbon (TOC) contents, but not with Al or CaCO3; this suggests that V and Mo were originally concentrated in the organic fraction. However, chemical extractions using H2O2 indicate that Mo was originally concentrated in pyrite. The data also suggest that V was mobilised from organic matter during early diagenesis and became associated with clays as little V was extracted by H2O2 in the fresh samples. TOC contents in the Toolebuc Formation were removed during weathering, residually enriching trace metals including V and Mo, and as a result, the TOC relationship with V and Mo disintegrates. With weathering, both V and Mo predominantly became associated with iron oxide/hydroxide phases (and possibly other unidentified phases) as these elements in the weathered facies were highly soluble in the sodium citrate–sodium dithionite digestion. Large shale-hosted V and Mo deposits such as Julia Creek offer a potentially viable alternative to the currently mined magnetite-hosted deposits. A thorough understanding of the formation and host mineral phases for V and Mo of these shale deposits, however, is critical to ensure that these valuable metals can be feasibly extracted.
机译:澳大利亚朱莉亚克里克(Julia Creek)附近存在大量钒和钼资源,那里的白垩纪中部富含有机物的Toolebuc地层位于地表0至25 m之间。我们介绍并讨论了Toolebuc地层及其在Julia Creek附近的封闭地层的综合地球化学研究,以了解该矿床。新鲜相中的V和Mo含量与总有机碳(TOC)含量密切相关,而与Al或CaCO 3 无关。这表明V和Mo最初集中在有机部分中。但是,使用H 2 O 2 进行化学萃取表明,Mo最初集中在黄铁矿中。数据还表明,在早期成岩过程中,V是从有机质中迁移出来的,并与粘土有关,因为新鲜样品中的H 2 O 2 提取的V很少。在风化过程中,Toolebuc地层中的TOC含量被去除,残留的富集微量金属(包括V和Mo),结果TOC与V和Mo的关系破裂。在风化作用下,V和Mo都主要与氧化铁/氢氧化物相(可能还有其他未确定的相)有关,因为这些在风化相中的元素高度溶于柠檬酸钠-连二亚硫酸钠消化。大型页岩气藏的V和Mo矿床,例如朱莉娅·克里克(Julia Creek),是目前开采的磁铁矿气藏的潜在可行替代方案。但是,对这些页岩沉积物的V和Mo的形成和主体矿物相的透彻了解对于确保可以切实地提取这些有价值的金属至关重要。



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