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On a Minimal Lagrangian Submanifold of Cn Foliated by Spheres


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In general, not much is known about minimal submanifolds of Euclidean space of high codimension. In [l] , Anderson studies complete minimal submanifolds of Euclidean space with finite total scalar curvature, trying to generalize classical re- sults of minimal surfaces. More recently, Moore [10] continues the study of this kind of minimal submanifolds. Harvey and Lawson [6] also study a paticular family of minimal submanifolds of complex Euclidean space, the special Lagrangian submanifolds-that is, ori- ented minimal Lagrangian submanifolds. They have the property of being abso- lutely volume minimizing. Among other things, they construct important exam- ples of the previously mentioned minimal Lagrangian submamfolds.
机译:通常,对于高维数的欧几里得空间的最小子流形知之甚少。在[l]中,安德森研究以有限的总标量曲率完成了欧几里得空间的最小子流形,试图推广最小表面的经典结果。最近,Moore [10]继续研究这种最小子流形。 Harvey和Lawson [6]还研究了复杂的欧几里得空间的最小子流形的特殊族,即特殊的拉格朗日子流形,即原始的最小拉格朗日子流形。它们具有绝对最小化音量的特性。除其他外,它们构成了前面提到的最小拉格朗日子流形的重要示例。



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