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On a Risk Model with Surplus-dependent Premium and Tax Rates


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In this paper, the compound Poisson risk model with surplus-dependent premium rate is analyzed in the taxation system proposed by Albrecher and Hipp (Blätter der DGVFM 28(1):13–28, 2007). In the compound Poisson risk model, Albrecher and Hipp (Blätter der DGVFM 28(1):13–28, 2007) showed that a simple relationship between the ruin probabilities in the risk model with and without tax exists. This so-called tax identity was later generalized to a surplus-dependent tax rate by Albrecher et al. (Insur Math Econ 44(2):304–306, 2009). The present paper further generalizes these results to the Gerber–Shiu function with a generalized penalty function involving the maximum surplus prior to ruin. We show that this generalized Gerber–Shiu function in the risk model with tax is closely related to the ‘original’ Gerber–Shiu function in the risk model without tax defined in a dividend barrier framework. The moments of the discounted tax payments before ruin and the optimal threshold level for the tax authority to start collecting tax payments are also examined.
机译:本文在由Albrecher和Hipp提出的税收系统中分析了具有盈余依赖保费率的复合Poisson风险模型(Blätterder DGVFM 28(1):13–28,2007)。在复合泊松风险模型中,Albrecher和Hipp(Blätterder DGVFM 28(1):13–28,2007)表明,存在和不存在税收的风险模型中的破产概率之间存在简单的关系。后来,Albrecher等人将这种所谓的税收身份概括为依赖于盈余的税率。 (Insur Math Econ 44(2):304-306,2009)。本文进一步将这些结果推广到Gerber–Shiu函数,并采用广义罚函数,涉及破产前的最大剩余。我们表明,这种带税的风险模型中的广义Gerber-Shiu函数与在股息壁垒框架中未定义税的风险模型中的“原始” Gerber-Shiu函数密切相关。还检查了破产前折现税款的时刻以及税务机关开始收取税款的最佳阈值水平。



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