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Flash-calcined dredging sediment blended cements: effect on cement hydration and properties


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Dredging of docks and waterways generates a large and continuous supply of sediments currently destined for disposal. Transforming this currently wasted materials into new resources still requires meeting technical challenges. One of the options is to process the sediments into a supplementary cementitious material by flash-calcination. This paper describes the effect of cement replacement by flash-calcined dredged sediments on cement hydration and key properties. The hydration kinetics, products and microstructure are studied to explain changes in cement properties such as compressive strength development and workability. The flash-calcined dredging sediments show clear pozzolanic activity which surpasses that of typical coal combustion siliceous fly ash (V, EN 197-1). This is manifested in (1) the rate of compressive strength development, (2) reduced portlandite and (3) increased ettringite and bound water contents. The results show that calcination can transform wasted dredging sediments into a new supplementary cementitious resource for producing large volumes of low-CO2 blended cements.
机译:码头和水道的疏generates产生了大量连续供应的沉积物,这些沉积物目前准备处置。将目前浪费的材料转化为新资源仍然需要应对技术挑战。一种选择是通过快速煅烧将沉积物加工成辅助胶结材料。本文介绍了经快速煅烧的疏sediment沉积物替代水泥对水泥水化和关键性能的影响。研究了水合动力学,产物和微结构,以解释水泥性能的变化,例如抗压强度的提高和可加工性。经过快速煅烧的疏sediment沉积物显示出明显的火山灰活性,超过了典型的煤炭燃烧硅质粉煤灰(V,EN 197-1)。这表现在(1)抗压强度的发展速度,(2)减少的硅酸盐和(3)增加的钙矾石和结合水含量。结果表明,煅烧可以将浪费的疏ging沉积物转化为一种新的补充胶凝资源,用于生产大量低二氧化碳混合水泥。



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