首页> 外文期刊>Materials Science and Technology >Effect of B/N ratio on plastic anisotropy behaviour in low carbon aluminium killed steel

Effect of B/N ratio on plastic anisotropy behaviour in low carbon aluminium killed steel

机译:B / N比对低碳铝镇静钢塑性各向异性行为的影响

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It is well known that dissolved nitrogen in ferritenseriously impairs the formability of hot rolled unalloyednsteel.1–3 Boron being a strong nitride former, combinesnaggressively with dissolved nitrogen in steel, and therebynimproves the forming properties. Further, atomic rationof boron to nitrogen (B/N) plays an important role inninfluencing the microstructure and properties3,4 of lowncarbon steel. Whenever excess boron is present innsolution in austenite, it segregates to the c grainnboundary, thus inhibiting the transformation of austenitento ferrite, and resulting in increase in hardenabilitynof steel.5 Although plenty of works6,7 have been carriednout on the effect of boron on properties of hot rollednsteels, limited literature is available on its effect in coldnrolled formable grades particularly when carbon is in thenrange 0?03–0?06 wt-%. The present paper discusses theneffect of B/N atomic ratio on the forming properties inngeneral and plastic anisotropy ratio rm in particular, innlow carbon aluminium killed batch annealed steel.
机译:众所周知,铁中的溶解氮会损害热轧非合金钢的可成形性。1-3硼是强氮化物形成剂,与钢中的溶解氮有害结合,从而改善了成形性。此外,硼与氮的原子比(B / N)在影响低碳钢的组织和性能方面起着重要的作用3,4。每当过量的硼溶解在奥氏体中时,它就会偏析到c晶界,从而抑制奥氏体向铁素体的转变,并导致钢的淬透性提高。5尽管对硼对铁的性能进行了大量的研究[6,7]。热轧钢,关于冷轧可成形钢种的影响,文献有限,尤其是当碳含量在0?03–0?06 wt%范围内时。本文讨论了B / N原子比对成形性能的影响,特别是对于低碳铝镇静的间歇退火钢的塑性各向异性比rm的影响。



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