首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Seabirds in the North Sea Demobilized and Killed by Polyisobutylene (C_4H_8)_n (PIB)

Seabirds in the North Sea Demobilized and Killed by Polyisobutylene (C_4H_8)_n (PIB)


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This paper reports on a mass stranding of seabirds in the North Sea in December 1998. Hundreds of birds were washed ashore alive in Zeeland (SW Netherlands), covered in a whitish, sticky substance, and were transported to a rehabilitation centre. About 10 days later, more (dead) casualties washed ashore further to the north on Texel and along the mainland coast, again covered in a glue-like substance. Common guillemots Uria aalge, northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis and common scoters Melanitta nigra were the most numerous birds affected in this incident. Both strandings were temporarily (10 days) and geographically separated (ca. 120 km apart), but were apparently caused by a single source of pollution. The meteorology at the time was consistent with the course of a single incident. At least 1100 seabirds were affected by this substance, soon identified as polyisobutylene (C_4H_8)_n. PIB is known as a non-toxic, non-aggressive substance. Volunteers cleaning the birds in the rehabilitation centre reported serious discomfort and dizziness and the soft parts of the PIB-affected birds found dead (bill, eye, throat, feet, webs) appeared to dissolve in a few days time. Both effects cannot be attributed to PIB, and are therefore unexplained. Although the dumping of PIB in the marine environment is not explicitly prohibited under MARPOL, the effects on wildlife observed are enough to plead for counter-measures.
机译:这篇论文报道了1998年12月北海海鸟大量搁浅的情况。数百只海鸟在Zeeland(荷兰西南部)被冲上岸,被白色粘稠的物质覆盖,然后被运送到康复中心。大约10天后,在特克塞尔(Texel)北部和大陆沿海地区,更多(死)人员被冲上岸,再次被胶状物质覆盖。这次事件中受害最多的是海雀科的海雀Uria aalge,北海mar Fulmarus glacialis和雪茄的Melanitta nigra。两种搁浅都是暂时的(10天),并且在地理上是分开的(相距约120公里),但显然是由单一污染源引起的。当时的气象与一次事件的发生过程是一致的。至少有1100只海鸟受此物质影响,很快被鉴定为聚异丁烯(C_4H_8)_n。 PIB被称为无毒,无攻击性物质。在康复中心清洁鸟类的志愿者报告说,严重的不适和头晕,受PIB感染的鸟类的柔软部分被发现死亡(帐单,眼睛,喉咙,脚,网),几天后就消失了。两种影响都不能归因于PIB,因此无法解释。尽管MARPOL并未明确禁止将PIB倾倒在海洋环境中,但所观察到的对野生动植物的影响足以提出对策。



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