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SeaWiFS satellite monitoring of oil spill impact on primary production in the Galapagos Marine Reserve


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Near daily satellite monitoring of ocean colour using sea viewing wide angle of field viewing sensor (SeaWiFS) allowed the oceanic and near coastal chlorophyll-a distributions to be followed across the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) from space. In the aftermath of the Jessica spill early indications suggested that, compared to the three preceding years 1998-2000, local chlorophyll concentrations over January 2001 were elevated across the Galapagos Marine Reserve [Biological Impacts of the Jessica Oil Spill on the Galapagos Environment: Preliminary Report. Charles Darwin Foundation, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos, Ecuador, 2001]. At the time of the spill the central and eastern extent of the archipelago was experiencing a spatially extensive moderate bloom event (0.5-2.5 mg m~(-3) chl-a) extending over the central islands, including the source of the spill and areas of known impact such as the islands of Santa Fe, eastern Santa Cruz and Floreana directly in the advection path. Further investigation shows that chlorophyll across the affected regions of western San Cristobal, Santa Fe, southeast Santa Cruz, eastern Floreana and eastern Isabela declined in the week directly following the spill event, yet rose in the successive month to levels analogous to preceding years. Although there may have been a localised effect of the spill upon near coast phytoplankton primary production in the short term, the observed variance in the weeks following the spill was not significant in comparison to the normal high variation between years and within the El Nino/Southern Oscillation signal.
机译:使用广角海洋观察传感器(SeaWiFS)对卫星进行近乎每日的海洋颜色监测,可以从太空追踪整个加拉帕戈斯海洋保护区(GMR)的海洋和近海沿岸叶绿素a分布。在杰西卡溢油事故发生后,早期迹象表明,与1998-2000年的前三年相比,加拉帕戈斯海洋保护区2001年1月的局部叶绿素浓度升高[杰西卡溢油对加拉帕戈斯群岛环境的生物学影响:初步报告。查尔斯·达尔文基金会,厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯,阿约拉港,2001年]。在发生溢油事故时,群岛的中部和东部地区正在经历一个范围广泛的中度开花事件(0.5-2.5 mg m〜(-3)chl-a),遍及中部岛屿,包括溢油事件的来源和对流路径中直接影响着已知影响的区域,例如圣达菲,圣克鲁斯东部和弗洛里亚纳群岛。进一步的调查显示,在泄漏事件发生后的一周内,圣克里斯托瓦尔西部,圣达菲,东南圣克鲁斯,东南弗洛里亚纳邦和伊莎贝拉东部的受影响地区的叶绿素在下降,但在随后的一个月中却上升至与前几年相似的水平。尽管短期内溢漏对近岸浮游植物初级生产可能有局部影响,但与几年之间以及厄尔尼诺/南部地区的正常高变化相比,溢漏后几周观察到的方差并不显着振荡信号。



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