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Effects of organic pollution on the initial development of fouling communities in a tropical bay, Brazil


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Transplantation of artificial panels between a polluted and an unpolluted site was used to evaluate eutrophication effects on the development of fouling communities in Ilha Grande Bay, SE Brazil. Organic pollution changed the relative dominance of species in the fouling communities of transplanted panels, although, their richness, evenness, and specific composition did not change. The chlorophyte Ulva sp. occurred only in the polluted site and in panels transplanted to it, whereas the bryozoan Aetea lingulata was found only in the unpolluted site and in panels transplanted to this site. These species are therefore good pollution indicators. The best pollution indicators, however, were amphipods and Spionidae polychaetes which formed mucous tubes. These groups had significantly higher values of percent cover (p < 0.0001) in the polluted site and in panels transferred to it. The dominance shift is the first evidence that more meaningful changes can occur in the structure of fouling communities on a long-term scale.
机译:在受污染和不受污染的地点之间移植人造板用于评估巴西东南部伊利亚格兰德湾的富营养化对结垢群落发展的影响。有机污染改变了移植面板结垢群落中物种的相对优势地位,尽管其丰富度,均匀性和特定组成没有改变。叶绿植物Ulva sp。仅在受污染的部位和移植到该部位的面板中发生了苔藓,而苔藓苔藓仅在未污染的部位和移植到该部位的面板中才发现。因此,这些物种是良好的污染指标。但是,最好的污染指标是形成粘液管的两栖纲和Sp科的多毛纲。这些组在受污染地点和转移到该地点的面板中具有较高的百分比覆盖率值(p <0.0001)。优势转移是长期的结垢群落结构可能发生更有意义的变化的第一个证据。



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