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Effects of multiple perturbations on the survivorship of fragments of three coral species


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Fist-sized fragments of Porites cylindrica, Porites rus and Pavona frondifera were deployed in single-species (P. cylindrica) and mixed-species (all three) plots in a shallow reef area in the northwestern Philippines. After 6 months, the corals in half of the plots were broken into smaller pieces to simulate an episodic physical disturbance. The survival of all corals was monitored from March 2000 to July 2001 during which the corals experienced 2 typhoons and episodes of algal overgrowth. For both intact and broken treatments, there was significantly higher survival in the mixed-species plots than in the single-species treatments. Fragment mortality varied between disturbances of varying frequencies and magnitudes, namely: one-time fragmentation stress, seasonal overgrowth by cyanobacteria and macroalgae, short-term (1 day) and long-term (more than 1 week) burial. The mixed-species assemblages had higher fragment survivorship than the monospecific assemblages during small-scale perturbations (e.g., algal overgrowth), but not in the face of subsequent, larger scale disturbances. This study emphasizes that coral responses to disturbance are both species- and context-specific.
机译:菲律宾西北部浅礁地区的单物种(P. cylindrica)和混合物种(全部三个)地带分布了首长的Porites cylindrica,Porites rus和Pavona frondifera碎片。 6个月后,将一半样地中的珊瑚打碎成小块,以模拟突发的物理干扰。从2000年3月至2001年7月,监测了所有珊瑚的生存情况,在此期间珊瑚经历了2次台风和藻类过度生长的发作。对于完整处理和破损处理,混合种地的存活率均明显高于单一种处理。碎片死亡率在不同频率和大小的干扰之间变化,即:一次碎片应力,蓝细菌和大型藻类的季节性过度生长,短期(1天)和长期(1周以上)的埋葬。在小规模扰动(例如藻类过度生长)期间,混合物种组合具有比单特异性组合更高的碎片存活率,但面对随后的大规模扰动却没有。这项研究强调,珊瑚对扰动的反应既取决于物种又取决于具体情况。



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