首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Assessing the effects of Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton populations in Key Largo Harbor, Florida

Assessing the effects of Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton populations in Key Largo Harbor, Florida

机译:评估Irgarol 1051对佛罗里达州基拉戈港海洋浮游植物种群的影响

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The antifouling boosting agent Irgarol 1051 is a strong inhibitor of the photosystem Ⅱ (PSII) with high efficiency/toxicity towards algae. However, because some phytoplankton species are more sensitive to Irgarol than others, its persistent release into the environment could result in adverse changes in the phytoplankton community structure at heavily impacted sites such as marinas. Continuous monitoring in the Florida Keys showed Irgarol concentrations of up to 635 ng L~(-1) in the canal system leading to Key Largo Harbor Marina (KLH) with a sharp decrease in concentration at stations offshore from the mouth of the canal. Preliminary phytoplankton community assessments from surface water samples collected in KLH between February and August 2004 showed changes in several phytoplankton species in concordance with the increase of the herbicide concentrations. Typical responses include an increase in the abundance of eukaryotes and Cryptomonas sp. as Irgarol concentrations increase.
机译:防污助剂Irgarol 1051是光系统Ⅱ(PSII)的强抑制剂,对藻类具有高效率/毒性。但是,由于某些浮游植物种类对Irgarol的敏感度高于其他种类,因此其向环境中的持续释放可能会在受到严重影响的地点(如码头)造成浮游植物群落结构的不利变化。佛罗里达群岛的持续监测显示,在通往基拉戈港口码头(KLH)的运河系统中,Irgarol的浓度最高为635 ng L〜(-1),在运河口外的站点浓度急剧下降。根据2004年2月至8月在KLH收集的地表水样本进行的浮游植物初步群落评估显示,随着除草剂浓度的增加,几种浮游植物种类发生了变化。典型的反应包括增加真核生物和隐孢子虫的数量。随着Irgarol浓度的增加。



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