首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Results from a sixteen year study on the effects of oiling from the Exxon Valdez on adult pink salmon returns

Results from a sixteen year study on the effects of oiling from the Exxon Valdez on adult pink salmon returns

机译:来自埃克森·瓦尔迪兹(Exxon Valdez)上油对成年粉红鲑鱼返还的影响的十六年研究结果

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For sixteen years following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill adult returns of pink salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska were monitored to assess spill effects on survival. No evidence of spill effects was detected for either intertidal or whole-stream spawning fish. From 1989 through 2004 mean densities for oiled and reference streams tracked each other, illustrating similar responses of oiled and reference stream adult populations to naturally changing oceanographic and climactic conditions. Hatchery fish strayed into the study streams, but similar incursions occurred in oiled and reference streams, and their presence was compensated for to eliminate their influence on determining the success of the returning natural populations. These results, showing no detectable effects of oiling on pink salmon spawning populations, are supported by published field studies on pink salmon incubation success in oiled streams.
机译:在1989年埃克森·瓦尔迪兹(Exxon Valdez)漏油事故之后的16年中,对阿拉斯加威廉王子湾粉红鲑鱼的成年归还进行了监测,以评估漏油事件对生存的影响。没有发现潮间带或全流产卵鱼类溢出效应的证据。从1989年到2004年,油流和参考流的平均密度相互跟踪,说明了油流和参考流成年人口对自然变化的海洋和气候条件的相似反应。孵化场鱼类误入研究河系,但在加油和参考河系中发生了类似的入侵,并对其存在进行了补偿,以消除它们对确定返回自然种群成功的影响。这些结果表明,上油对粉红鲑鱼产卵种群没有可检测到的影响,有关已上油的溪流中粉红鲑鱼孵化成功的已公开田间研究支持了这些结果。



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