首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Regional assessment of persistent organic pollutants in resident mussels from New Jersey and New York estuaries following Hurricane Sandy

Regional assessment of persistent organic pollutants in resident mussels from New Jersey and New York estuaries following Hurricane Sandy


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Resident mussels are effective indicators of ecosystem health and have been utilized in national assessment and monitoring studies for over two decades. Mussels were,chosen because contaminant concentrations in their tissues respond to changes in ambient environmental levels, accumulation occurs with little metabolic transformation and a substantial amount of historic data were available. Mussels were collected from 10 previously studied locations approximately a year after Hurricane Sandy. Regionally, concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) decreased significantly, while concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) remained unchanged, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) increased compared to historic concentrations. Although concentrations of PCBs, OCPs and PAHs were at or near record low concentrations, long-term trends did not change after Hurricane Sandy. To effectively measure storm induced impacts it is necessary to understand the factors influencing changes in mussel body burdens and have a long-term monitoring network and an ability to mobilize post event. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:贻贝是生态系统健康的有效指标,并且已经在国家评估和监测研究中使用了二十多年。之所以选择贻贝,是因为其组织中的污染物浓度对周围环境水平的变化有反应,积累发生时几乎没有新陈代谢转化,并且可以获得大量的历史数据。在桑迪飓风过后大约一年,从先前研究过的10个地点收集了贻贝。从地区来看,与历史浓度相比,多氯联苯(PCB)和多环芳烃(PAH)的浓度显着下降,而有机氯农药(OCP)的浓度保持不变,多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)有所增加。尽管PCB,OCP和PAHs的浓度达到或接近创纪录的低浓度,但是飓风桑迪之后的长期趋势没有改变。为了有效地测量风暴引起的影响,有必要了解影响贻贝身体负担变化的因素,并具有长期的监测网络和动员事后能力。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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