首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Assessment of the environmental health of an ecologically sensitive, semi- enclosed, basin - A water quality modelling approach

Assessment of the environmental health of an ecologically sensitive, semi- enclosed, basin - A water quality modelling approach


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Semi-enclosed basins are environmentally dynamic and some of the most anthropogenically affected components of the coastal realm. They can reflect various environmental impacts, thus qualifying as natural laboratories to study these impacts. The Gulf of Khambhat (GoK) is such a system where analysis of in situ parameters indicated polluted conditions. The sources of various contaminants were deciphered. Though there are considerable inputs of pollutants, the assimilative capacity of the GoK holds good with high Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (6–9.3 mg/L) content as revealed in situ and in silico. High Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and marginal ammonia contamination prevail in the region. Simulations revealed that the rivers bring in a considerable amount of nitrate, organic material and phosphate into the Gulf. Considering the prevailing environmental condition, the current study posits to have regular water quality monitoring; and the carrying capacity of the Gulf should be assessed before the authorization of anthropogenic activities.
机译:半封闭式盆地具有环境动态性,是沿海地区某些受人为影响最大的组成部分。它们可以反映各种环境影响,因此有资格作为研究这些影响的自然实验室。 Khambhat海湾(GoK)是这样一种系统,对现场参数的分析表明存在污染状况。各种污染物的来源被破译。尽管有大量污染物输入,但就地和计算机显示,GoK的同化能力在高溶解氧(DO)(6-9.36mg / L)含量的情况下仍保持良好。该地区普遍存在较高的生化需氧量(BOD)和少量的氨污染。模拟显示,河流将大量的硝酸盐,有机物质和磷酸盐带入海湾。考虑到当前的环境条件,目前的研究假设要定期进行水质监测。在批准人为活动之前,应评估海湾的承载能力。



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