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An economic approach to marine megafauna conservation in the coral triangle: Marine turtles in Sabah, Malaysia


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This study quantifies the Total Economic Value (TEV) marine turtles contribute to the Semporna Priority Conservation Area in Sabah, Malaysia, based on field surveys conducted in May 2014 with marine stakeholders, including 60 fishing households, 9 resorts, and 7 government and academic institutions. The estimated TEV of marine turtles was USD 23 million per year, ranging from USD 21-25 million. The estimated non-consumptive value of marine turtles far exceeded the consumptive use value. Moreover, the protection of marine turtles could potentially generate 1146 tourism jobs, equivalent to USD 469,000 in employment income per year. Conservation could be partially funded from tourism, as tourists were willing to contribute USD 1.5 million for marine turtle protection and conservation annually. Scenario analysis showed that the discounted TEV of marine turtles could reach up to USD 716 million over 30 years if full protection of turtles was implemented now. This is more than double the discounted TEV of marine turtles under status quo conditions (USD 262 million). By showing the substantial economic value derived from marine turtles, this study not only provides an important incentive for protecting marine turtles in Sempoma, but also for investing in conserving marine resources in the wider Coral Triangle and Asia Pacific region.
机译:根据2014年5月对包括60个捕鱼家庭,9个度假村以及7个政府和学术机构在内的海洋利益相关者进行的实地调查,本研究量化了对马来西亚沙巴的仙本那优先保护区做出贡献的海龟的总经济价值(TEV)。 。估计海龟的TEV每年为2300万美元,范围为21-25百万美元。估计海龟的非消费价值远远超过了消费使用价值。此外,保护海龟可能会创造1146个旅游业工作,相当于每年469,000美元的就业收入。由于游客愿意每年为海龟的保护和养护捐款150万美元,因此保护工作可以由旅游业提供部分资金。方案分析显示,如果现在实施全面保护,在30年内折算海龟的TEV可能高达7.16亿美元。这是在现状条件下打折的海龟TEV的两倍多(2.62亿美元)。通过展示海龟的巨大经济价值,这项研究不仅为保护Sempoma中的海龟提供了重要的动力,而且为在更广泛的珊瑚三角和亚太地区投资保护海洋资源提供了重要动力。



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