首页> 外文期刊>Marine Environmental Research >The role of temperature on the aerobic response of encapsulated embryos of Ocenebra erinaceus (Neogastropoda, Muricidae): A comparative study between two populations

The role of temperature on the aerobic response of encapsulated embryos of Ocenebra erinaceus (Neogastropoda, Muricidae): A comparative study between two populations

机译:温度对Ocenebra erinaceus(Neogastropoda,Muricidae)包囊胚胎有氧应答的作用:两个种群的比较研究

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Climate warming can affect the developmental rate and embryonic survival of ectothermic species. However, it is largely unknown if the embryos of populations from different thermal regimes will respond differently to increased warming, potentially due to adaptations to natal environmental conditions. The effects of temperature on respiration rates and oxygen content of the intracapsular fluid were studied during the intracapsular development of Ocenebra erinaceus in two subtidal populations, one from the middle of their geographic distribution, the Solent, UK and another towards the southern portion: Arcachon, France. In this laboratory study, embryos were exposed to temperatures in the range of 14-20 degrees C. The encapsulation period for both populations was shorter at higher temperatures and intracapsular oxygen availability decreased as development progressed. However, the embryonic aerobic response differed between populations. Encapsulated embryos from the southern population (Arcachon) showed higher respiration rates and metabolic adjustment to elevated temper atures; however, encapsulated embryos from the Solent showed no metabolic adjustment, high capsular mortalities and limited acclimation to high temperatures. Our results suggest that aerobic response of encapsulated embryos is locally adapted to the temperature history of their natal environment and illustrates the importance of local environmental history in determining the fate of key life stages in response to a changing marine climate.
机译:气候变暖会影响物种的发育速度和胚胎存活。然而,很大程度上未知的是,来自不同热态的种群的胚胎是否会对变暖做出不同的反应,这可能是由于对出生环境条件的适应。在两个潮间种群中,Ocenebra erinaceus的囊内发育过程中,研究了温度对呼吸速率和囊内液中氧含量的影响,其中一个位于其地理分布的中部,Solent,UK,另一个位于南部:Arcachon,法国。在这项实验室研究中,胚胎暴露于14-20摄氏度的温度下。在较高的温度下,这两个种群的包囊期都较短,随着发育的进行,包囊内的氧利用率降低。但是,种群之间的胚胎有氧反应有所不同。来自南部种群(Arcachon)的封装胚胎显示出更高的呼吸频率,并且对温度升高的代谢进行了调节。但是,来自Solent的封装胚胎没有代谢调节,荚膜死亡率高和对高温的适应性有限。我们的结果表明,封装胚胎的有氧反应在局部适应其出生环境的温度历史,并说明了局部环境历史在确定关键生命阶段的命运以应对不断变化的海洋气候中的重要性。



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