首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology >Temporal changes of soft-bottom zoobenthic communities in and around Alsancak Harbor (Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea), with special attention to the autecology of exotic species

Temporal changes of soft-bottom zoobenthic communities in and around Alsancak Harbor (Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea), with special attention to the autecology of exotic species


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Temporal and spatial variation in soft-bottom benthic communities following recovery from a pollution episode were studied between January and September 2004 in and around Alsancak Harbor, located in the polluted part of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean). Samples were collected at seven stations by van Veen grab. Three additional stations were sampled by means of a beam trawl to take into account large mobile animals and for a better estimate of the local biodiversity. A total of 231 species belonging to 1C zoobenthic groups were found. Polychaetes contributed 90% of the total faunal populations and mollusks 87% of the total biomass in the area. Community parameters varied significantly among stations and sampling periods; number of species ranged from 2 to 79 per 0.1 m~2 grab sample; density from 20 to 81,720 ind·m~(-2); biomass from 0.1 to 4190 g·m~(-2); Shannon-Wiener diversity index (log_2 base) from 0.4 to 4.4; and Pielou's evenness index from 0.11 to 1.0. Collections indicate that a number of species, including those sensitive to pollution, have colonized the area where azoic conditions had been previously reported. A total of six exotic species, Streblospio gynobranchiata, Polydora cor-nuta, Hydroides dianthus, Hydroides elegans, Anadara demiri and Fulvia fragilis, probably transferred to the area via ballast water or hull fouling, dominated soft or hard substrata in and near Alsancak Harbor. The first two species accounted for more than 70% of the total population in the area, while A. demiri contributed the most to the biomass (93%, at station 7).
机译:2004年1月至2004年9月,在位于伊兹密尔湾(地中海爱琴海)受污染地区的Alsancak港及其周围地区,研究了软底底栖生物群落从污染事件恢复后的时空变化。范·文·格拉夫在七个站点采集了样本。通过束拖网对另外三个站点进行了采样,以考虑到大型活动动物并更好地估计了当地的生物多样性。共发现1C动物底栖动物群的231种。在该地区,多毛类动物占动物种群总数的90%,软体动物占生物量总数的87%。群落参数在测站和采样期之间差异很大;每0.1 m〜2抓取样品中的菌种数量为2至79种;密度从20到81,720 ind·m〜(-2);生物质0.1〜4190 g·m〜(-2); Shannon-Wiener分集指数(log_2为基数)从0.4到4.4; Pielou的均匀度指数从0.11到1.0。收集表明,许多物种,包括那些对污染敏感的物种,已经在先前报道过偶氮条件的地区定居。共有6种外来物种,即Streblospio gynobranchiata,Polydora cor-nuta,Hydroides dianthus,Hydroides elegans,Anadara demiri和Fulvia fragilis,很可能是通过压舱水或船体结垢转移到该地区的,在Alsancak港内和附近占主导地位。前两个物种占该地区总人口的70%以上,而A. demiri对生物量的贡献最大(第7站为93%)。



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