首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Gross calcium carbonate production in Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs (Gorgona Island, Colombia)

Gross calcium carbonate production in Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs (Gorgona Island, Colombia)

机译:东热带太平洋珊瑚礁的总碳酸钙生产(Gorgona Island,哥伦比亚)

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The production and accumulation of carbonate reef framework is the positive component of reef development. The main organisms participating in this process are corals and crustose coralline algae (CCA) because their combined calcareous skeletons construct and help to consolidate reef frameworks. We assessed the contribution (i.e. gross production) of corals and CCA to the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) budget of the 2 largest and most developed reefs of Gorgona Island (Pacific coast of Colombia). On each zone (back reef [BR], reef flat [RP], reef front [RF], and reef slope [RS]) of these reefs, we measured substrate rugosity, coral (Pocillopora spp.) and CCA cover, colony density for corals, skeletal density for CCA, and growth rates for the estimation of CaCO3 production rates. Pocillopora spp. corals contributed 93.1% of the total carbonate production, while CCA supplied the remaining 6.9%. CaCO3 production was higher at Playa Blanca reef, although CaCO3 production in the RF of La Azufrada (12.31 kg m(-2) yr(-1)) was higher in comparison to the RF at Playa Blanca (8.45 kg m(-2) yr(-1)). Otherwise, CaCO3 production was higher in all other reef zones (BR, RP, RS) of Playa Blanca, although only significantly higher in the BR (2.25 kg m(-2) yr(-1) at Playa Blanca against 0.29 kg m(-2) yr(-1) at La Azufrada). The RF contributed the most CaCO3, mainly due to its high live coral cover and rapid coral growth. Although the contribution of CCA is low, they are key for reef stability. CaCO3 production rates reported here (2.86 and 3.80 kg m(-2) yr(-1) in La Azufrada and Playa Blanca, respectively) are within the limits reported for Eastern Tropical Pacific reefs, and raise hope for the continued existence of coral reefs in an era of increasing threats to this ecosystem.
机译:碳酸盐礁框架的生产和积累是Reef Development的阳性成分。参与此过程的主要生物是珊瑚和甲壳素珊瑚藻(CCA),因为它们的组合钙质骨架构建并帮助巩固珊瑚礁框架。我们评估了珊瑚和CCA的贡献(即总产量)至甘尔群岛(哥伦比亚太平洋海岸)的2个最大和最发达的珊瑚礁的碳酸钙(Caco3)预算。在每个区域(后礁[Br],Reef Flat [RP],Reef Frone [RP]和Reef斜率[Rs]),我们测量了基质粗糙度,珊瑚(Pocillopora SPP。)和CCA覆盖物,殖民地密度对于CCA的珊瑚,骨骼密度,以及估计Caco3生产率的增长率。 Pocillopora spp。珊瑚占总碳酸盐产量的93.1%,而CCA提供剩余的6.9%。 Caco3 Playa Blanca Reef在La Azufrada的RF中的Caco3生产(12.31 kg m(-2)Yr(-1))与Playa Blanca(8.45kg m(-2) Yr(-1))。否则,CaCO3生产在Playa Blanca的所有其他珊瑚礁区域(BR,RP,RS)中较高,但在Playa Blanca的BR(2.25kg M(-2)Yr(-1)下仅较0.29kg m( -2)在La Azufrada的YR(-1))。射频贡献了最多的Caco3,主要是由于其高活珊瑚盖和珊瑚快速增长。虽然CCA的贡献很低,但它们是珊瑚礁稳定性的关键。这里报告的Caco3生产率(分别在La Azufrada和Playa Blanca的2.86和3.80千克M(-2)YR(-1)在东部热带太平洋珊瑚礁的限制范围内,并提高了珊瑚礁的持续存在的希望在增加对这种生态系统的威胁时代。



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