首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Elemental composition of otoliths used to trace estuarine habitats of juvenile gag Mycteroperca microlepis along the west coast of Florida

Elemental composition of otoliths used to trace estuarine habitats of juvenile gag Mycteroperca microlepis along the west coast of Florida

机译:耳石的元素组成,用于追踪佛罗里达西海岸小插曲Mycteroperca microlepis的河口栖息地

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The spatial relationships and relative contributions of known juvenile gag Mycteroperca microlepis habitats to specific fishery grounds and populations along the Florida west coast are virtually unknown. To determine if otolith composition is a valid tracer of specific nursery sites and can be used to classify adult fish to their nursery area, chemical concentrations in juvenile gag otoliths (Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mn, Cu, Pb, δ~(13)C and δ~(13)O,) were measured for 4 nursery areas along the Florida west coast in 1992, 1995 and 1996. Classification of fish to nursery area was by parametric discriminant function analysis and neural network simulation; both gave similar results in the spatial and temporal patterns of classification error and in identification of important classification variables (Mn, Sr and δ~(13)C). Classification success rates ranged from 66 to 100%. Interannual variability in otolith composition had a negative effect on classification success rate at the spatial scale of site separation (<200 km). At regional spatial scales (>300 km) the year effect was reduced and classification success remained high without consideration of year class. Analysis of classification errors supports the separation of sites into northern and southern groups. The observed negative trend in otolith Sr and positive trend in otolith Mn with increasing latitude are positively correlated with corresponding trends in groundwater Sr and sediment Mn, respectively, which are hypothesized to be the proximal causes for the otolith trends. Otolith composition is a valid technique for classifying juvenile gag to estuarine habitats along the west coast of Florida. Classification error rates of less than 10% are obtained when the year class of the fish is considered. Similar error rates were achieved across multi-year data at regional spatial scales.
机译:佛罗里达州西海岸沿途已知的小插曲Mycteroperca microlepis栖息地对特定渔场和种群的空间关系和相对贡献实际上是未知的。要确定耳石的成分是否是特定苗圃场所的有效示踪剂,并可以用于将成年鱼按其育苗区分类,即幼年ag耳石中的化学浓度(Li,Na,K,Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba,Mn,Cu分别于1992年,1995年和1996年在佛罗里达西海岸的4个育苗区中测量了Pb,δ〜(13)C和δ〜(13)O,)。通过参数判别函数分析和神经网络对鱼类分类为育苗区网络仿真;两者在分类错误的时空格局以及重要分类变量(Mn,Sr和δ〜(13)C)的识别方面都给出了相似的结果。分类成功率从66%到100%不等。耳石成分的年际变化在站点分离的空间尺度(<200 km)对分类成功率有负面影响。在区域空间尺度(> 300 km)下,不考虑年级的情况下,年效应降低并且分类成功率仍然很高。分类错误的分析支持将站点分为北部和南部组。随着纬度的增加,观测到的耳石Sr的负趋势和耳石Mn的正趋势分别与地下水Sr和沉积物Mn的相应趋势正相关,这被认为是耳石趋势的近因。耳石成分是一种有效的技术,可将少年g嘴分类到佛罗里达西海岸的河口栖息地。当考虑鱼类的年级时,分类错误率小于10%。在区域空间尺度上跨多年数据获得了相似的错误率。



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