首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Effects of nitrogen concentrations in turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum on consumption by the bucktooth parrotfish Sparisoma radians

Effects of nitrogen concentrations in turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum on consumption by the bucktooth parrotfish Sparisoma radians


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Terrestrial herbivores often preferentially consume plants that have higher nitrogen concentrations. In these circumstances, low nitrogen concentrations in exposed tissues would be an effective defense against herbivory. In marine environments, the relationship between nitrogen concentration in plants and herbivore preferences has only recently been explored, and results are inconsistent. We examined preferences of the bucktooth parrotfish Sparisoma radians for the turtle-grass Thalassia testudinum with high or low nitrogen concentrations in both field and laboratory experiments. These species were chosen for study because (1) turtlegrass, the dominant seagrass in the Caribbean, is the primary food resource of the bucktooth parrotfish and (2) S. radians is known to be undeterred by the chemical defenses (i.e. phenolic compounds) and physical defenses (i.e. tough tissues) of T. testudinum. In field choice experiments, we found that S. radians consumed a greater proportion of T. testudinum shoots with high nitrogen concentrations than shoots with low nitrogen concentrations (68 vs 5%). Similarly, in laboratory experiments, S. radians consumed more T. testudinum with high nitrogen than with low nitrogen concentrations (25 vs 5%). To determine whether S. radians used the color or shape of shoots as a basis for its preferences, we repeated laboratory experiments using an agar mixture with powdered T. testudinum leaves of either high or low nitrogen concentration. S. radians again showed a significant preference for the high nitrogen food source. We, therefore, conclude that mechanisms for choice of high nitrogen food were most likely related to gustation and/or olfaction of chemical cues (i.e. nitrogen or phenols).
机译:陆生草食动物通常优先食用氮浓度较高的植物。在这些情况下,暴露的组织中低的氮浓度将有效地防御草食动物。在海洋环境中,直到最近才研究了植物中氮浓度与草食动物偏好之间的关系,并且结果不一致。在野外和实验室实验中,我们研究了the齿鹦嘴鱼弧度对高氮或低氮乌龟草地中海藻的偏好。选择这些物种进行研究是因为(1)turtle草是加勒比海主要的海草,是鳞翅目鹦鹉鱼的主要食物资源;(2)弧菌已知不受化学防御作用(即酚类化合物)的干扰,并且睾丸的物理防御(即坚韧的组织)。在田间选择实验中,我们发现,高氮浓度下的弧菌消耗的睾丸木茎芽比低氮浓度下的茎芽消耗的比率更大(68 vs 5%)。同样,在实验室实验中,高氮比低氮浓度时弧菌消耗的睾丸。要多(25 vs 5%)。为了确定弧度是否以枝条的颜色或形状作为其偏好的基础,我们使用琼脂混合物与高或低氮浓度的粉状睾丸进行重复的实验室实验。弧菌再次显示出对高氮食物来源的显着偏好。因此,我们得出结论,选择高氮食物的机制最有可能与化学线索(即氮或酚)的味觉和/或嗅觉有关。



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