首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model

Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model


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The lack of comprehensive sighting data sets precludes the application of standard habitat suitability modeling approaches to predict distributions of the majority of marine mammal species on very large scales. As an alternative, we developed an ecological niche model to map global distributions of 115 cetacean and pinniped species living in the marine environment using more readily available expert knowledge about habitat usage. We started by assigning each species to broad-scale niche categories with respect to depth, sea-surface temperature, and ice edge association based on synopses of published information. Within a global information system framework and a global grid of 0.5° latitude/longitude cell dimensions, we then generated an index of the relative environmental suitability (RES) of each cell for a given species by relating known habitat usage to local environmental conditions. RES predictions closely matched published maximum ranges for most species, thus representing useful, more objective alternatives to existing sketched distributional outlines. In addition, raster-based predictions provided detailed information about heterogeneous patterns of potentially suitable habitat for species throughout their range. We tested RES model outputs for 11 species (northern fur seal, harbor porpoise, sperm whale, killer whale, hourglass dolphin, fin whale, humpback whale, blue whale, Antarctic minke, and dwarf minke whales) from a broad taxonomic and geographic range, using data from dedicated surveys. Observed encounter rates and species-specific predicted environmental suitability were significantly and positively correlated for all but 1 species. In comparison, encounter rates were correlated with <1 % of 1000 simulated random data sets for all but 2 species. Mapping of large-scale marine mammal distributions using this environmental envelope model is helpful for evaluating current assumptions and knowledge about species' occurrences, especially for data-poor species. Moreover, RES modeling can help to focus research efforts on smaller geographic scales and usefully supplement other, statistical, habitat suitability models.
机译:缺乏全面的观测数据集,无法使用标准的栖息地适应性建模方法来预测非常大型的大多数海洋哺乳动物物种的分布。作为替代方案,我们使用更容易获得的有关栖息地使用的专业知识,开发了一种生态位模型,以绘制生活在海洋环境中的115种鲸类和枕形物种的全球分布图。我们首先根据已发布信息的概要,根据深度,海表温度和冰缘关联将每种物种分配到广泛的生态位类别。然后,在全球信息系统框架和纬度/经度为0.5°的单元格的全球网格中,我们通过将已知栖息地的使用情况与当地环境条件相关联,生成了给定物种每个单元格的相对环境适应性(RES)的指数。 RES预测与大多数物种的已公布最大射程紧密匹配,因此代表了现有草图分布轮廓的有用,更客观的替代选择。此外,基于栅格的预测提供了有关整个范围内物种潜在合适栖息地异质模式的详细信息。我们在广泛的分类学和地理范围内,对11种物种(北海狗,海豚,抹香鲸,虎鲸,沙漏海豚,长鳍鲸,座头鲸,蓝鲸,南极小须鲸和矮小小须鲸)的RES模型输出进行了测试,使用来自专门调查的数据。除1个物种外,其他物种的观测遭遇率和特定物种的预测环境适应性均显着正相关。相比之下,除2个物种外,所有其他物种的遭遇率均与1000个模拟随机数据集的<1%相关。使用此环境包络模型绘制大规模海洋哺乳动物分布图有助于评估当前的假设和有关物种发生的知识,尤其是对于数据贫乏的物种。此外,RES建模可以帮助将研究工作集中在较小的地理尺度上,并有用地补充其他统计生境适应性模型。



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