首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Influence of thermal fronts on habitat selection by four rorqual whale species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Influence of thermal fronts on habitat selection by four rorqual whale species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence


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Understanding the factors influencing habitat selection is critical to improving management and conservation plans for large whales. Many studies have linked the distribution of cetaceans to basic environmental features such as underwater topography and sea surface temperature (SST), but the mechanisms underlying these relationships are poorly understood. Dynamic mesoscale processes like thermal fronts are prime candidates to link physiographic factors to whale distribution because they increase biological productivity and aggregate prey. However, previous studies of large whales have found little evidence of such associations, possibly because they were not at the appropriate spatio-temporal scales. We quantified the relationship between SST fronts and the distribution of blue Balaenoptera musculus, finback B. physalus, humpback Megaptera novaeangliae and minke B. acutorostrata whales in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. We compared the distribution of 1094 whale sightings collected from boat surveys conducted in 1996 to 2000 to the locations of frontal areas determined from 61 satellite maps. The distributions of whales and thermal fronts were highly correlated (random resampling and Mantel tests of matrix similarity). Spatial distributions differed among species, probably reflecting differences in feeding strategies. Identification of surface fronts from satellite imagery thus effectively complemented field observations of whales. These findings significantly increase our understanding of habitat quality in rorqual whales, and encourage a greater use of dynamic environmental variables in future studies of whale habitat use.
机译:了解影响栖息地选择的因素对于改善大型鲸鱼的管理和保护计划至关重要。许多研究已将鲸类的分布与诸如水下地形和海面温度(SST)之类的基本环境特征联系起来,但对这些关系的潜在机理了解甚少。动态中尺度过程(如热锋)是将生理因素与鲸鱼分布联系起来的主要候选者,因为它们可以提高生物生产力并聚集猎物。但是,先前对大型鲸鱼的研究很少发现这种关联的证据,可能是因为它们不在适当的时空范围内。我们量化了圣劳伦斯湾北部北部海域海面锋与蓝色小a,小背鳍physalus,座头鲸Megaptera novaeangliae和小须鲸Acutorostrata鲸的分布之间的关系。我们比较了从1996年至2000年进行的船艇调查收集到的1094条鲸鱼发现的分布与根据61幅卫星地图确定的正面区域的位置。鲸鱼和热锋的分布高度相关(随机重采样和矩阵相似度的Mantel测试)。物种间的空间分布不同,可能反映了进食策略的差异。因此,从卫星图像中识别出地面锋面可以有效地补充鲸鱼的野外观察。这些发现大大增加了我们对不规则鲸鱼栖息地质量的了解,并鼓励在以后的鲸鱼栖息地使用研究中更多地使用动态环境变量。



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