首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Spawning, larval abundance and growth rate of Sardinops sagax off southwestern Australia: influence of an anomalous eastern boundary current

Spawning, larval abundance and growth rate of Sardinops sagax off southwestern Australia: influence of an anomalous eastern boundary current

机译:澳洲西南部沙丁鱼(Sardinops sagax)的产卵,幼虫丰度和增长率:东部边界流异常的影响

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The temporal and spatial distributions of sardine Sardinops sagax eggs and larvae off the oligotrophic southwestern coast of Australia were examined and related to gonadosomatic index, daily growth rates of larvae and regional biological oceanography. Seasonal environmental cycles were established from remotely sensed sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration, wind and sea surface height data. Sardine egg and larval distributions were determined from regular transect surveys and annual grid surveys. Sardine eggs and larvae were common across the continental shelf throughout the year between Two Rocks and Cape Naturaliste (~32 to 34° S), and gonadosomatic index data suggested a distinct winter peak in spawning activity. Surface chlorophyll concentrations were highest during winter, coincident with the seasonal peak in the southward flow of the Leeuwin Current along the continental shelf break. Retention conditions on the mid-outer shelf for pelagic eggs and larvae were therefore poor during this time. Egg and larval concentrations were lower than expected in winter and higher in summer when retention conditions were more favourable. Larval sardine growth rates were unexpectedly high, averaging 0.82 mm d~(-1). Fisheries for clupeiod species off southwestern Australia are insignificant compared to other eastern boundary current systems. Our data suggest that this may be due to a combination of low primary productivity caused by suppression of large-scale upwelling by the Leeuwin Current and the modest seasonal maximum in primary productivity occurring during the time least favourable for pelagic larval retention.
机译:考察了澳大利亚西南部贫营养型沙丁鱼沙丁鱼的鳞茎卵和幼虫的时空分布,并与性腺指数,幼虫的日增长率和区域生物海洋学有关。根据遥感的海面温度和叶绿素浓度,风和海面高度数据确定季节性环境周期。沙丁鱼卵和幼虫的分布是通过定期的样板调查和年度网格调查确定的。沙丁鱼卵和幼虫在两块岩石和海角自然主义者之间(约32至34°S)全年在整个大陆架上都很常见,而性腺体指数数据表明产卵活动出现了明显的冬季高峰。冬季,表面叶绿素浓度最高,与陆温断裂带沿陆陆温流向南流动的季节高峰一致。因此,在这段时间内中上层架子上的中上层卵和幼虫的保留条件很差。当保留条件更为有利时,冬季的卵和幼虫浓度低于预期,夏季较高。幼体沙丁鱼生长速度出乎意料的高,平均为0.82 mm d〜(-1)。与其他东部边界流域系统相比,澳大利亚西南部以外的腕足类鱼类的捕捞活动微不足道。我们的数据表明,这可能是由于由Leeuwin Current抑制大规模上涌而导致的初级生产力低下,以及在最不利于上层幼体滞留的时间内初级生产力出现适度的季节性最大值。



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