首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Spatial And Temporal Variation In The Diet Of Steller Sea Lions In The Kodiak Archipelago, 1999 To 2005

Spatial And Temporal Variation In The Diet Of Steller Sea Lions In The Kodiak Archipelago, 1999 To 2005


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Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus was investigated using scat (fecal) samples collected from 4 regions in the Kodiak Archipelago. Over 2700 scats with identifiable prey were collected from the northern, eastern, southern and western sides of Kodiak Island from 1999 to 2005. Of 76 prey types identified using hard remains, the most important species in terras of frequency of occurrence and numerical abundance were Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, arrowtooth flounder Ather-esthes stomias, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, salmon Oncorhynchus spp., and Pacific herring Clupea pallasi. Significant differences in diet composition were found among regions, seasons, and years, suggesting that the diet of sea lions is strongly influenced by local and temporal distributions and abundances of prey. Herring dominated scat collections from the west coast and accounted for most (14 to 30%) of the differences in regional diet in spring and winter. Annual variation in diet was relatively low in winter, whereas spring and fall diets varied from year to year, with regional-specific shifts in dominant prey. Results from our study generally agree with diet studies conducted in the 1990s, but differ markedly in the relative importance of the major prey species.
机译:利用从科迪亚克群岛4个地区收集的粪便样本(粪便)调查了斯特勒海狮Eumetopias jubatus饮食的时空变化。从1999年到2005年,从科迪亚克岛的北,东,南和西侧收集了超过2700只可识别的猎物。在使用硬质遗骸识别的76种猎物类型中,出现频率和数量丰富度中最重要的物种是太平洋沙矛状沙门氏菌,角膜白鲸Theragra黄褐藻,箭齿比目鱼,花药气孔,太平洋鳕鱼Gadus macrocephalus,鲑鱼Oncorhynchus spp。和太平洋鲱鲱Clupea pallasi。在区域,季节和年份之间发现饮食组成存在显着差异,这表明海狮的饮食受到当地和时间分布以及猎物丰富度的强烈影响。鲱鱼在西海岸的粪便中占主导地位,占春季和冬季区域饮食差异的大部分(14%至30%)。冬季饮食的年度变化相对较低,而春季和秋季的饮食每年不同,主要猎物的区域性变化也不同。我们的研究结果总体上与1990年代进行的饮食研究一致,但主要猎物种类的相对重要性差异明显。



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