首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Spatio-temporal variations of sea star Asterias spp. distributions between sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus beds on Georges Bank

Spatio-temporal variations of sea star Asterias spp. distributions between sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus beds on Georges Bank

机译:海星Asterias spp的时空变化。乔治银行海扇贝Placopecten magellanicus床之间的分布

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Presently 80 % of the biomass of sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus on Georges Bank is located within 3 large areas closed to fisheries. Sea stars Asterias spp., primary predators of scallops, are also aggregated within these closed areas. As prey becomes depleted within one scallop bed, sea stars may move to another food source, possibly to another scallop bed. We tested the hypothesis that sea star aggregations moved from one scallop bed to another within the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (NLCA) on Georges Bank. We video surveyed 204 stations in the NLCA from 1999 to 2006 using a 1.57 km grid-centric systematic sampling design. The center of sea star abundance was calculated by averaging the sea star freguency-weighted latitude and longitude for all stations. Using multivariate analysis of variance and all-pairs comparisons (Hotelling's T~2), shifts in the center of sea star abundance were determined by assessing if the locations of the 2 aggregations were different. The sea star center of abundance, standard ellipse and 95% confidence ellipse were superimposed on the scallop density distribution maps to determine the spatial overlap. The distributions of sea star aggregations in the NLCA significantly shifted between consecutive years from 1999 to 2006 and overlapped with areas of high densities of scallops. Shifts in the center of abundance reflect changes in distribution possibly resulting from movement, recruitment and mortality. As sea stars aggregate in these areas presumably due to high abundances of scallops, sea star movement between the scallop beds may increase natural mortality rates of the scallop population on Georges Bank.
机译:目前,乔治银行的扇贝海扇藻生物量的80%位于三个封闭的大型渔业区内。这些封闭区域内还聚集着扇贝的主要食肉动物海星Asterias spp.。当猎物在一个扇贝床上枯竭时,海星可能移到另一种食物来源,可能移到另一个扇贝床上。我们检验了以下假设:海星聚集体从乔治贝德银行南塔基特灯塔飞船禁区(NLCA)内的一个扇贝床移动到另一个扇贝床。我们使用1.57公里以网格为中心的系统抽样设计,对1999年至2006年NLCA中204个台站进行了视频调查。通过对所有站点的海星频率加权的经度和纬度进行平均来计算海星丰度的中心。使用方差的多变量分析和所有对的比较(Hotelling的T〜2),通过评估两个集合的位置是否不同来确定海星丰度中心的变化。将海星丰度中心,标准椭圆和95%置信椭圆叠加在扇贝密度分布图上,以确定空间重叠。从1999年到2006年,NLCA中海星聚集体的分布在连续几年间发生了显着变化,并与扇贝高密度区域重叠。丰度中心的变化反映了分布的变化,这可能是由于运动,征募和死亡率造成的。由于海星聚集在这些区域,可能是由于扇贝数量众多,扇贝床之间的海星运动可能会增加乔治银行的扇贝种群的自然死亡率。



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