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Sex-specific survival in the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada

机译:在加拿大圣劳伦斯湾的座头鲸Megaptera novaeangliae中按性别进行的生存

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Sex-biased adult mortality is commonly observed in the animal kingdom. In mammals, a predominantly male-biased mortality is found in species with a polygynous mating system, while in monogamous taxa, female-biased mortality prevails. In the largest of all mammals, the Mysticeti, no sex-specific mortality has been found so far apart from that found in biased whaling data. We estimated sex-specific survival rates using an Akaike Information Criterion (AIC_c)-based model selection of 18 yr of mark-recapture data from a North Atlantic humpback whale feeding aggregation, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. We found a significantly higher survival rate for females (0.992; 95% CI 0.985-0.999) than for males (0.971; 0.943-0.985). Humpback whales are a typical polygynous species, with males competing intensively for mates while females bear the costs of pregnancy and lactation. However, the existing data did not allow us to test if differential costs of reproduction are causing the skew in mortality. We could not preclude stock-specific differences, such as contamination levels, migratory distances, and reproductive parameters (e.g. calving intervals, age at sexual maturity), and further data are needed to investigate the underlying reasons.
机译:在动物界通常会观察到性别偏见的成年死亡率。在哺乳动物中,在具有多性雌性交配系统的物种中发现了以雄性为主的死亡率,而在一夫一妻的类群中,以雌性为主的死亡率普遍存在。在有史以来最大的哺乳动物Mysticeti中,除了有偏见的捕鲸数据以外,没有发现性别特异性死亡率。我们使用基于Akaike信息准则(AIC_c)的模型选择了特定性别的存活率,该模型来自加拿大北大西洋座头鲸喂养聚集地(加拿大圣劳伦斯湾)18年的商标捕获数据。我们发现女性(0.992; 95%CI 0.985-0.999)的存活率明显高于男性(0.971; 0.943-0.985)。座头鲸是典型的一夫多妻制物种,雄性竞争激烈,而雌性则承担怀孕和哺乳的费用。但是,现有数据无法让我们测试不同的繁殖成本是否导致死亡率的偏差。我们不能排除特定种群的差异,例如污染水平,迁徙距离和生殖参数(例如产犊间隔,性成熟年龄),还需要进一步的数据来调查根本原因。



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