首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Seasonal physiology and ecology of Antarctic marine benthic predators and scavengers

Seasonal physiology and ecology of Antarctic marine benthic predators and scavengers


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Pronounced seasonality in photoperiod and phytoplankton availability drives key physiological processes in many Antarctic primary consumers. To test the hypothesis that carnivores would be less markedly affected by environmental seasonality than benthic 'herbivores', we measured faecal egestion, oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion every 2 to 3 mo for 18 mo in 5 benthic predators and scavengers common around Adelaide Island (West Antarctic Peninsula): the fish Harpagifer antarcticus, the brittle star Ophionotus victoriae, the nemertean Parborlasia corrugatus, the amphipod Paraceradocus miersii and the nudibranch Doris kerguelenensis. The degree of seasonality varied between species and was not consistent across the physiological parameters measured. Faecal egestion varied strongly between species and individuals. All species except Paraceradocus miersii ceased feeding for several months. No consistent seasonality in metabolic activity (oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion) was observed, and seasonal factorial changes in oxygen consumption were less than in primary consumers. Use of metabolic substrates changed between seasons, particularly in H. antarcticus, which switched from a balanced diet to mainly protein utilisation at the start of winter. O. victoriae had the highest O:N ratio (232) and Parborlasia corrugatus the lowest (9), suggesting the latter species is the most exclusive carnivore. We conclude that food availability and guality is also variable for Antarctic secondary consumers but that this variation is not as tightly coupled to the environmental seasonality as in primary consumers. Other factors, such as reproductive activity, that are indirectly coupled to seasonal signals may have also been causing this variability.
机译:光周期和浮游植物可用性的明显季节性变化驱动了许多南极主要消费者的关键生理过程。为了检验食肉动物比底栖“草食动物”受食肉季节变化影响较小的假说,我们在阿德莱德岛(西部)常见的5种底栖捕食者和清除剂中,每2到3个月测定粪便,氧气消耗和氮排泄量,持续18个月。南极半岛):鱼类Harpagifer antarcticus,脆星Ophionotus victoriae,nemertean Parborlasia corrugatus,两栖类Paraceradocus miersii和裸udi科Doris kerguelenensis。季节性程度在物种之间变化,并且在所测量的生理参数之间不一致。粪便食欲在物种和个体之间差异很大。除米氏副盘猴以外的所有物种都停止了几个月的进食。没有观察到代谢活动(氧气消耗和氮排泄)一致的季节性变化,并且氧气消耗的季节性因数变化小于主要消费者。代谢底物的使用在不同季节之间有所变化,特别是在南极嗜血杆菌中,在冬季开始时,它已从均衡饮食转向主要利用蛋白质。 O. victoriae的O:N比最高(232),而Parborlasia corrugatus最低(9),这表明后者是最独特的食肉动物。我们得出的结论是,南极次要消费者的食物供应和质量也各不相同,但是这种变化与环境季节性变化的关系不像主要消费者那样紧密。与季节性信号间接相关的其他因素,例如生殖活动,也可能引起了这种变化。



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