首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Somatic growth rates of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata in a northern Great Barrier Reef foraging area

Somatic growth rates of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata in a northern Great Barrier Reef foraging area


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An understanding of the rate at which long-lived species grow is essential for determining important life history parameters, including assessments of foraging habitat quality, the time taken to reach sexual maturity, and the age at which maturity is reached. The hawksbill sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata is a Critically Endangered species that is typically associated with coral reefs throughout the tropical oceans. Little is known about its life history through most ageclasses, especially in the western Pacific, one of the last strongholds for the species. We undertook annual surveys of a foraging population of hawksbill turtles on 13 reefs, within the far northern section of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), from 1997 to 2008. We obtained growth rate data from 128 turtles that were recaptured once (n = 103), twice (n = 23), or 3 times (n = 2). The curved carapace length of recaptured turtles ranged from 61.3 to 91.4 cm (x= 79.8 ± 7.26 cm, mean ± SD). Recapture intervals spanned between 11 and 120 mo (mean: 59 mo; median: 72 mo). We show that mean annual growth rates did not differ between sexes and had a non-monotonic growth pattern, reaching peak growth for both sexes within the 65 to 70 cm curved carapace length size-class. Growth slowed thereafter at a linear rate, to negligible growth upon reaching an adult size of >80 cm. Hawksbill turtles grew faster in the southern GBR, compared to those found in the far north of the reef. Understanding spatial and temporal differences in growth rates, and thus age at maturity, is an important step towards resolving life history differences among sea turtle populations.
机译:了解长寿物种的生长速度对于确定重要的生活史参数至关重要,包括评估觅食栖息地质量,达到性成熟所需的时间以及达到成熟的年龄。海龟是极危物种,通常与整个热带海洋的珊瑚礁有关。在大多数年龄段,对它的生活史知之甚少,尤其是在该物种的最后据点之一的西太平洋。我们从1997年至2008年对大堡礁(GBR)的最北段内13个礁石上的龟进行了觅食种群的年度调查。我们从128只被捕获的海龟中获得了增长率数据(n = 103) ),两次(n = 23)或3次(n = 2)。重新捕获的海龟的弯曲甲壳长度在61.3至91.4厘米之间(x = 79.8±7.26 cm,平均值±SD)。重新捕获间隔介于11到120 mo之间(平均:59 mo;中位数:72 mo)。我们表明,年平均增长率在两性之间没有差异,并且具有非单调的增长模式,在65至70厘米弯曲的甲壳长度大小等级内,两性达到峰值增长。此后,生长速度以线性速率减慢,直到达到成人尺寸> 80厘米时,生长速度可忽略不计。与在礁石最北端发现的those相比,GB GBR南部的grew增长更快。了解增长率的空间和时间差异以及成熟期的差异,是解决海龟种群之间生活史差异的重要一步。



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