首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Indirect control of the intracellular nitrate pool of intertidal sediment by the polychaete Hediste diversicolor

Indirect control of the intracellular nitrate pool of intertidal sediment by the polychaete Hediste diversicolor


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In an intertidal flat of the German Wadden Sea, a large sedimentary pool of intracellular nitrate was discovered that by far exceeded the pool of nitrate that was freely dissolved in the porewater. Intracellular nitrate was even present deep in anoxic sediment layers where it might be used for anaerobic respiration processes. The origin and some of the ecological controls of this intracellular nitrate pool were investigated in a laboratory experiment. Sediment microcosms were set up with and without the abundant polychaete Hediste diversicolor that is known to stimulate nitrate production by microbial nitrification in the sediment. Additional treatments were amended with ammonium to mimic ammonium excretion by the worms or with allylthiourea (ATU) to inhibit nitrification by sediment bacteria. H. diversicolor and ammonium increased, while ATU decreased the intracellular nitrate pool in the sediment. Microsensor profiles of porewater nitrate showed that bacterial nitrification was enhanced by worms and ammonium addition. Thus, nitrification formed an important nitrate supply for the intracellular nitrate pool in the sediment. The vertical distribution of intracellular nitrate matched that of the photopigments chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin, strongly suggesting that diatoms were the main nitrate-storing organisms. Intracellular nitrate formation is thus stimulated by the interaction of phylogenetically distant groups of organisms: worms enhance nitrification by feeding on particulate organic matter, excreting ammonium and oxygenating the sediment; bacteria oxidise ammonium to nitrate in oxic sediment layers; and diatoms store nitrate intracellularly.
机译:在德国瓦登海的潮间带中,发现了一个较大的细胞内硝酸盐沉淀池,远远超过了自由溶解在孔隙水中的硝酸盐池。细胞内硝酸盐甚至存在于缺氧沉积物层的深处,可用于厌氧呼吸过程。在实验室实验中研究了该细胞内硝酸盐池的起源和一些生态控制。在有或没有丰富的多毛杂色Hediste diversicolor的情况下建立了沉积物微观世界,已知该多毛色Hediste diversicolor可通过沉积物中的微生物硝化来刺激硝酸盐的产生。修改了其他处理方法,用铵来模仿蠕虫排出的铵,或用烯丙基硫脲(ATU)来抑制沉积细菌硝化。杂色杆菌和铵盐增加,而ATU减少了沉积物中细胞内硝酸盐池。硝酸盐孔隙水的微传感器曲线表明,蠕虫和添加铵会增强细菌的硝化作用。因此,硝化作用为沉积物中细胞内硝酸盐池提供了重要的硝酸盐供应。细胞内硝酸盐的垂直分布与光色素叶绿素a和岩藻黄质的垂直分布相吻合,强烈表明硅藻是主要的硝酸盐储存生物。因此,系统发育距离较远的生物体之间的相互作用会刺激细胞内硝酸盐的形成:蠕虫通过以颗粒状有机物为食,排泄铵并给沉积物充氧来增强硝化作用;细菌在有氧沉积层中将铵氧化为硝酸盐;硅藻在细胞内储存硝酸盐。



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