首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Methyl chloride production by calcareous periphyton mats from the Florida Everglades

Methyl chloride production by calcareous periphyton mats from the Florida Everglades


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Methyl chloride (CH_3Cl) is a trace gas with natural and anthropogenic sources that plays an important role in stratospheric ozone catalytic cycles. Here, we report on research to quantify the production of CH_3Cl in response to varying levels of salinity from calcareous periphyton mats found within the Florida Everglades, USA, the first measurements of their kind. Periphyton were collected from the Everglades and exposed to continuous, artificially simulated 12 h dark: 12 h light cycles, in both freshwater and varying concentrations of saltwater. Water samples were collected and analyzed to determine the resulting production rate of CH_3Cl. We found that periphyton produced CH_3Cl in both freshwater and all concentrations of saltwater (24 to 208 fmol CH_3Cl gDW~(-1) periphyton h~(-1) after 24 h) and that there was a significant positive effect of salinity on the production rate of CH_3Cl (r~2 = 0.993, p < 0.001). Our results indicate that rising sea levels as predicted by climate models will increase production rates of CH_3Cl in coastal periphyton wetlands that could be inundated with high salinity seawater. Furthermore, other natural sources of CH_3Cl may also respond through similar mechanisms to sea level rise and salt water intrusion resulting from global climate change.
机译:氯甲烷(CH_3Cl)是具有自然和人为来源的微量气体,在平流层臭氧催化循环中起着重要作用。在这里,我们报道了一项研究,该研究量化了在美国佛罗里达大沼泽地发现的钙质附生生物垫对盐度变化的响应中CH_3Cl的生成量,这是此类测量的首次。从大沼泽地收集了附生植物,并在淡水和不同浓度的盐水中,进行了连续的人工模拟的12小时黑暗:12小时光照循环。收集水样品并进行分析以确定所得的CH_3Cl生产率。我们发现,在淡水和所有浓度的海水中(24小时后24至208 fmol CH_3Cl gDW〜(-1)周生植物h〜(-1)),附生植物都产生了CH_3Cl,并且盐度对生产产生了显着的积极影响CH_3Cl的比率(r〜2 = 0.993,p <0.001)。我们的结果表明,气候模型预测的海平面上升将增加沿海盐生植物湿地中CH_3Cl的生产率,而高盐度海水可能会淹没该地区。此外,CH_3Cl的其他天然来源也可能通过类似的机制对全球气候变化导致的海平面上升和盐水入侵做出响应。



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